Review Absolutism, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Revolutions
Are you ready???? Kings and Queens who ruled with unlimited power were called Absolute Monarchs The belief that the king’s power came from God was called Divine Right The positive aspects of of absolutism were Strengthened the country, unified people, increased wealth, trade, powerful military
The negative aspects of absolutism were Social inequality, heavy taxes, costly wars, selfish kings/queens, extravagant spending Name some of the absolute monarchs and their country during this time Philip II (SP), Frederick (PR), Peter the Great (R), Catherine the Great (R), Maria Theresa (AU), Louis XIV (FR) What extravagant palace was built by Louis? Versailles
Monarchs who tried to make some reforms in their country were called Enlightened monarchs (despots) What unpopular English kings came to power following Elizabeth? Stuarts Which Stuart king was beheaded by Parliament? Charles I
What Puritan dictator came to power during the English Civil War? Oliver Cromwell The return of the Stuart monarchs to power in England was known as The Restoration William and Mary came to power in a bloodless revolution called the Glorious Revolution
What important document did William and Mary agree to? Bill of Rights The time period which brought forth great scientific achievements was called Scientific Revolution Solving a problem in a logical, rational way is called the Scientific Method
The intellectual revolution where thinkers/writers began to apply natural laws and reason to governments was the Enlightenment These great thinkers were known as Philosophes Who believed in the concept of “natural rights?” John Locke
Who believed in the concept of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances? Montesquieu Who believed in freedom of expression, religion? Voltaire Who believed that the people had the right to overthrow government if it fails to protect the people John Locke
Who believed that torture and capital punishment should be abolished? Beccaria She believed in rights for women Mary Wollstonecraft Who believed in the “social contract” whereby people agreed to be governed and this was voluntary situation? Rousseau
What is the legacy (main ideas) of the Enlightenment? Natural rights, consent of the governed, government can be overthrown if it fails in its duties, equality under the law, government powers are limited, separation of powers, checks and balances, majority rule, etc.
What was the economic system whereby the colonies provided resources to the mother country which produced finished products to sell to the colonies. Mercantilism What was the period known as when the British essentially ignored the colonists for 150 years? Salutary Neglect
What was the meaning of “no taxation without representation?” Colonists resented being taxed without having representatives in Parliament. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson What does Jefferson mean by “unalienable” rights? Natural (or civil) rights
What was added to the Constitution to protect natural rights? Bill of Rights In summary, what documents, laws, theories that helped form our democracy came from the British? Magna Carta, Petition of Right, No Taxation Without Representation, Trial by Jury, Habeas Corpus, Bill of Rights, Parliament (Bicameral Legislature), Cabinet
The name for the way of life in France before the Revolution was Old Regime (L’anciem regime) The French legislature was called the Estates General The system of 3 separate classes in France was called the Estates System Who made up the first estate?
Clergy Who made up the second estate? Nobility Who made up the third estate? Everyone else Who were the bourgeoisie? Middle class Why was the third estate so upset?
Had power, wealth, success, but no political rights, always outvoted in the Estates General Who were the King and Queen of France in 1789? Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette What were their weaknesses? Out of touch with the people, extravagant spending, disregarded Estates General
In 1789 the members of the Third Estate met and declared themselves to be the National Assembly The National Assembly found themselves locked out of their meeting hall so they met where? Tennis Court They vowed not to disband until they created A Constitution
On July 14, 1789, crowds stormed this prison which was a symbol of the Old Regime Bastille After the revolution began, the peasants believed the king was going to destroy them. This was called The Great Fear The document that established the rights of Frenchmen was the
Declaration of the Rights of Man The radical group that took over the government were called the Jacobins The period of radicalism where any enemies of the revolution were executed was called The Reign of Terror Who led the Committee of Public Safety? Maximillien Robespierre
People were executed during this time with a Guillotine What military leader came to power following the Reign of Terror? Napoleon Bonaparte The quick, military overthrow he used was a Coup d’etat Napoleon restored Church lands and power by signing this
Concordat This provided for equality under the law Napoleonic Code Napoleon sold this large tract of land to the United States Louisiana Territory Napoleon created this system to prevent trade with Great Britain Continental System
What country did Napoleon invade unsuccessfully? Russia What was the policy used by Russia where they retreated and destroyed crops, livestock, along the way? Scorched earth What was Napoleon’s “final destination?” Exiled to St. Helena for the rest of his life
What was the meeting of Europe’s major powers following the French Revolution called? Congress of Vienna What Austrian dominated the meeting? Prince von Metternich What organization was formed whereby each nation would come to the aid of the others if threatened by revolution? Concert of Europe
The leaders at the Congress of Vienna hoped to restore the concept of ____ whereby the rightful monarchs would return to the throne. Legitimacy The Congress of Vienna marked a return to what type of political philosophy? Conservatism Following the French Revolutions, most uprisings in Europe were successful (T/F) False Most uprisings in Latin America were successful (T/F) True