Love Divine Part 11 Enjoying the Vibration
Jn. 3:5 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God
Jn. 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Jn. 3:7 Do not be amazed that I said to you, “You must be born again.”
Jn. 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
It’s all about a change in the ministry! A change in the priesthood, a new path, a new imputation!
It’s about oneness and going through the processes, the cycles to mature and become the fullness, the combination of all the elements. Humanity, the male/female quality after the purging of iniquity.
I want to use a couple of examples to help you understand what is happening in us and around us. We need to understand one another and accept one another in our diversity. The Four Faces The Eternal Being and attributes The Transformer of energy
When we can accept that there is oneness operating and developing all things in the earth it takes away the battle. One Eternal Being with attributes of God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jehovah, prophet, priest, King. And attributes of Lucifer, serpent, Satan, Devil, Red Dragon, Prostitute, Betrayer and so many more.
ZEPHANIAH 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. ZEPHANIAH 3:15 The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.
If you have studied quantum physics you will find that a straight line is really not so. You can go either way on it and after traveling long enough it bends and forms a circle and you'll come right back to where you started. I love that. We get to start over many times thanks to the physics of the Holy Spirit.
We are exiting and entering in every facet of our lives. The cycle is continual and we do not ever come to a point where we exit and have no entrance, never! Energy cannot be diminished.
“The Death of a Tree” Tree of Knowledge, good, evil. Theophany Tree of Life - Humanity
The Theophany Dies, God dies, Revelation is not current. We don’t move by revelation. Humanity is the evolver of life
“This Abrahamic Age”
We know that the Bible and life are full of metaphors, symbols and allegories that reveal different aspects of what is happening in “Real Time”. Don’t get them mixed up.
We know that there are attributes of both good and evil, negative and positive, light and darkness, within humanity and all of it is in contrast to give us our enlightenment and understanding.
In Genesis chapters 6-9 Noah is the dominant message and the prophet of the Lord within the land. Crossing over from the old to the new land. He brought three sons into the world to populate the world in the new message. They were all his sons.
The new world was populated with the strong arm of a dictator, Nimrod. He brought the world to one language and one accord by a conquering political dictatorship that wanted to be like Enoch and Noah. He was a political warrior who hunted nations and conquered them bringing the people to one language.
Genesis When the political system and religious system of Babel failed to bring true oneness the Lord ended that Kingdom. It is still with us today but it is ended in the mind of the Lord. Just like Egypt in the day of Moses.
Genesis 12 - The Lord raised up Abram and brought him to a new land. A land unknown and by faith he had to move into that land without even knowing where it was at. He did many things that later had to be corrected as he progressed through the promise
Watch Close and you will see the flow of the Spirit in the Last month. October – House of Libra – Change of ministry
September 27 – Anniversary message 13 years after the New York visitation. Abram went 13 years from age 86 to 99 with Ishmael. Blood moon memorial of the past ages of war!
Ministered on Imputation on the Anniversary – entering my 49 th year of ministry from Age 13 on September 27, 1967
Left America and went to Philippines under the unction of my Holy Spirit to complete a cycle. To support a new flow of the Spirit. To bring a delivery of a message started in December, 2014.
Finished the process on “This Abrahamic Age” Left the Philippines on November 5, 2015 exactly 40 days on the new Mount. Mount Mayon. Moses, Elijah, Jesus Ministry in the earth.
Delayed in Tokayo, Japan for 3 hours arrived in Washington D.C. at 5:22 missed flight and had to stay in Washington D.C. Flew home 11:22 a.m. We have entered a new cycle completely now. Let’s be responsive.
Love Divine Part 11 Enjoying the Vibration