Student Associate Orientation Thank you for choosing UNH Dining Services as your on campus employer. The following Power Point presentation is a overview of important information that you should know before you begin your first day with any UNH Dining Services operation. You will be responsible for providing a printed and signed quiz, at the end of this presentation, to your supervisor. You will also be responsible for printing, signing, and returning the signature page indicating that you have read and understand the policies of UNH Dining. While reviewing this information please ask your Supervisor if any policy you encounter is unclear. We look forward to working with you and wish you every success in the year ahead.
Lockers Bring your own lock Empty at the end of the day Do not leave valuables in them without a lock! Personal belongings are not allowed to be behind the lines, cash registers or in the offices. (Including cell phones and mp3 players)
Uniform T-Shirt Nametag Long pants Head Covering Closed-toe shoes Provided by your Dining Hall; one for each shift you are scheduled for You are responsible for bringing it in CLEAN and WASHED regularly for each shift Nametag Your name tag is to be worn on your uniform shirt opposite the logo Long pants Clean with no holes; jeans are best. No shorts or capri-style pants are allowed in any Dining Services unit. Head Covering A hat. Hair longer than your shoulders must be tied back AND off of your shoulders; in either a braid or bun. No bandanas Closed-toe shoes Like a sneaker with socks No shoes that reveal ANY part of your skin are allowed; your entire foot must be covered Positive Friendly Attitude SMILE - a real smile is preferred
Personal Hygiene Practice good personal hygiene! Our expectation is that all Associates will: Wash regularly Be free of offensive body odor. Arrive to work in a clean uniform shirt. Have the proper hair restraint. (Hat) Be clean and neat in appearance.
Punching In and Out All Associates are to punch in and out for their shift Failure to punch in or out for your shift may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment Each Associate is enrolled in the biometric finger scan system at the time of hiring Your hiring Supervisor will enroll you into the system
Missed Punch Policy A missed punch form MUST be signed by you and your supervisor within 1 week of the missed punch A third missed punch during the calendar year (January – December) will result in a initial letter of reprimand A fifth missed punch in the calendar year will result in a final warning A sixth missed punch during the calendar year may result in termination A missed punch adjustment will not be made until the next pay period
Missed Shift Policy If you have been absent from a scheduled shift; whether it was scheduled out or you called out - this is called a missed shift If you have missed 1 scheduled shift = ok If you have missed 2 scheduled shifts = a documented email will be sent to you informing you of missing 2 shifts and that you will need to speak with your supervisor/manager and that you are in danger of losing those shifts and possibly removed from the schedule If you have missed 3 or more shifts = another documented email informing you that you have been terminated from Dining Services and permanently removed for the schedule
Accountability Your role with UNH Dining Services is critical to our overall success. Arrive on time for your shift Punch in on time for your shift Check in with your supervisor for your daily assignment ALWAYS CALL if you are going to be late ALWAYS CALL at least three hours prior to an absence caused by illness It is your responsibility to notify your supervisor of any known conflicts in your schedule immediately
If You Are Sick It is important to let your Supervisor know if you are sick. Illness can spread very rapidly through the carelessness and poor hygiene of individuals no matter how good their intensions may be. IF YOU ARE SICK STAY HOME, DO NOT come in to tell us you are sick. CALL US and make every effort to speak with a Supervisor at least three hours prior to an absence caused by illness.
Hand Washing and Glove Use Hand washing and Glove Use are critical components to the success of any foodservice operation. For this reason it is essential that you follow these basic sanitation rules: Wash Your Hands Before you begin your shift When they are dirty After using the bathroom When you return to the work station Between touching raw foods and foods ready to eat Customer Perception… Look at what you are doing from a customer point of view. It is the most important view.
How to wash your hands properly… How long is 20 seconds? That would be singing “Happy Birthday” twice.
Hand Washing and Glove Use Proper glove use is important to reduce the possible transmission of harmful pathogens that can cause food borne illness. Always wear food-grade plastic gloves: When preparing foods ready to eat When handling/restocking ready-to-eat foods When you have sores, cuts, abrasions on your hands Keep cuts and abrasions clean, bandaged and dry and wear clean gloves Change Gloves Often: As they become soiled or torn Before beginning a different task At least every 4 hours of continued use for the same task After handling raw foods and before handling foods ready to eat
The Do’s and Don’ts of UNH Dining
Do… Sign up for a minimum of TWO shifts per week You MUST give TWO weeks notice if you are droppinga shift or leaving us Show up to work on time
Do… Find a replacement if you know that you won’t be able to work Do remember to punch in and out Have fun… Make friends with your coworkers Working for UNH Dining Services should be a enjoyable experience
Do NOT… Forget to show up for work A no call/no show may be cause for termination Eat or drink at your work station Against health codes Quick drink breaks can be taken with permission from supervisors
Do NOT… Use any personal electronics at work This includes cell phones, laptops and headphones Using these items can be a safety hazard This may result in a write-up Give poor customer service We need them in order to have jobs This will result in a write-up Disobey sanitation and safety procedures Work under the influence of drugs or alcohol This will result in immediate termination
Do NOT… Steal (Immediate Termination) Time Money Product Unauthorized giving of products is a form of stealing Talk back/insubordination If you have a better way of doing something or a question, present it in a respectful, constructive manner
If you have questions, please ask your immediate supervisor.
Test Time! Click on the “Student Orientation Packet Test” Print out the test. Take the test. Sign the form. Hand it in to your Supervisor. They will keep it on file. Your Supervisor will contact you if there is a problem with your test.
Thank you for choosing UNH Dining as your employer of choice! Good Luck! Thank you for choosing UNH Dining as your employer of choice!