Warm Up Which theory would we associate Maslow with? Do traits apply to ALL people? I am so hungry but my ___________ kicks in and I realize it is wrong to eat my friends food and I would feel guilty.
2 nd Block Since we did not get to complete the last station, get with someone who was NOT in your group. VERBALLY share the station information with them that they did not get, and they will share with you their information! Everett did not get to station 4 yesterday, he paired up with Lanae who did not get to station 2 yesterday. They discussed their findings at these stations so that each were able to complete their paper and turn in for 100%
STRESS Anxious or threatening feeling resulting from our appraisal of a situation and our reaction to demands placed on us
Stressor Event or situation which produced stress Can be major or day-to-day (hassles) What are some stressors you can think of?
Stress Reaction Body’s response to a stressor
TWO TYPES! Distress - anxiety or pressure, can take a toll on mind and body Eustress - strivings and challenges that are “the spice of life”
Conflict Situations Do I want to go get ice cream or donuts? APPROACH-APPROACH Do I want to do laundry or dishes? AVOIDANCE-AVOIDANCE Should I ask him to go out with me? APPROACH-AVOIDANCE Should I go home for winter break or to Charleston? DOUBLE APPROACH-AVOIDANCE
Flying STRESSES ME OUT! But not everyone- why? Depends on how individuals appraise the situation
If I announced pop quiz, how would you feel? This is your PRIMARY appraisal Irrelevant, positive or negative
GALLERY WALK/REFLECT You are going to walk around the room and using your sticky notes, write down 2 examples for each scenario. Once you have completed all posters- please have a seat. I will then ask 6 volunteers to represent each poster and share with the class what is found on the posters. While the representatives are talking, you are to write down a situation you hear that you would react to as irrelevant, positive, and negative (3 total each situation!)
Is this stress justifiable? We are going to view the first 20 minutes of a documentary on stress. Please fill out your question sheet as the video plays!
STRESSORS PAGE 417- The Social Readjustment Rating Scale Looking at the chart, identify all the life events that have occurred in your life in the last three months. Add these up to figure out your score. Do you think this is accurate?
Children and Stress Read through the article and figure out what connections can be made between children, stress, and their childhood experiences. Once you have read- you are to write a letter to young you! What would you want young you to know? How would you allow young you to learn to deal with stress as a child? What past situations can you think of that would handle differently if you could?