Starter: Match up the definition dominoes. Solubility Starter: Match up the definition dominoes.
Definition Dominoes Solubility The extent to which one substance dissolves in another Solute The solid which dissolves in a solvent to form a solution Soluble Able to dissolve in a given solvent Solution A mixture of solute and solvent Solvent A liquid in which another substance can be dissolved to make a solution Saturated Solution A solution in which no more solute will dissolve
Solubility We are learning to: Compare the solubility of solids and gases. Plan and carry out an experiment.
Planning an Experiment Design an experiment to find out if the amount of solute that can dissolve in water is affected by the temperature of the water.
Planning an Experiment Variables Temperature of water Amount of water Amount of solute Independent – You will change… Dependent – You will measure… Fair test Keep everything the same except the dependent and independent variables.
Planning an Experiment Measuring Count number of spatulas added until no more will dissolve. Use the same amount of water, then weigh the solution before and after adding solute.
Planning an Experiment Reliability If someone else repeats the experiment will they get the same result? How will you know you have got the correct result?
Solubility We are learning to: Compare the solubility of solids and gases. Plan and carry out an experiment.