The Pacific Garbage Patch Nikki Beaulieu
The Pacific Garbage Patch is a place where most plastic bags and plastic objects end up. It’s a swirling vortex between California and Hawaii. It is said to be twice the size of Texas and 90 ft. deep 90% of all plastic and trash that is littered on land is floating in the ocean right now and 70 of all the plastic eventually sinks.
Every square kilometer of ocean has roughly 120,000 pieces of floating plastic.. Ewwwwww!
It has been estimated that over a million sea-birds and one hundred thousand marine mammals and sea turtles are killed each year by ingestion of plastics or entanglement
The Western Garbage Patch forms east of Japan and west of Hawaii
Plastic does not biodegrade, nor can natural process break it down
Some of the tiny plastic bits pass into the living systems of marine life and travel up the food chain until it lands on your dinner plate.. Do you really want to be eating plastic?
Project Kaisei, a recycling organization, launched in March of 2009, is trying to help the possibility of recycling some of the debris floating in the massive Pacific patch
1: Use a reusable tote or other bag at the grocery store 2: Drinking water out of glass or other non-plastic container 3: Recycling plastics whenever possible, it can really help 4: Never litter, always disposing of trash properly
IT’S TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! All you have to do is recycle! It’s not that hard! Fin! I hope you liked my power point Mrs!