Oracle Cost Management Features and Workarounds OAUG Cost SIG Meeting February 15, 2011 Douglas Volz Douglas Volz Consulting
Slide 2 Welcome to Our Session! 2011 Schedule - to December 2011 Introduce the OAUG Cost SIG Website Home page Membership Minutes Other stuff Costing Little Known Features and Workarounds Agenda
Slide 3 March 15, 2011 – A/P Accruals for R12 April 19, 2011 – Different ways to use cost elements, sub-elements, cost allocation methods May 17, Tracing a sale of inventory through Oracle to see the cost and A/R and sales side, what processes have to be run to do costing, create accounting, COGS recognition, etc. June 21, 2011 – Receiving as it relates to Inventory (& maybe WIP too …) July - August 2011 – Summer Break September 20, 2011 – To be determined October 18, Segregation of Duties, goals, purpose, how to work with the SOD people November 15, Standard vs. average vs. layer costing / periodic costing December 2011 – Holiday Break OAUG Cost SIG Schedule to December 2011
Slide 4 OAUG Cost SIG Web Pages – Home Page (
Slide 5 OAUG Cost SIG Web Pages – previous events
Slide 6 OAUG Cost SIG Web Pages – resources
Slide 7 OAUG Cost SIG Web Pages – membership (
Slide 8 OAUG Cost SIG Web Pages – board, bylaws, about
Slide 9 OAUG Cost SIG Web Pages – Minutes (
Slide 10 Tips and Tricks Introduction – Do You Ever Feel Like This?
Slide 11 Introduction This presentation is for both Release 11i & 12 The objective is to find out about better ways to use Oracle Cost Management for your everyday work Get suggestions on standard features you may not be using
Slide 12 Agenda Get suggestions on features or setup changes that may help you: Cost cut-off date Cost type setup Currency formatting / extended decimal precision Custom mass edits Data verification audits Defaults for job close and standard cost update Item cost mass load tools Printing for standard text reports Quantity decimal formatting on cost reports Material overhead defaults Material overhead absorption rules Transaction Value Historical Summary Report
Slide 13 Cost Cut-Off Date
Slide 14 Cost Cut-Off Date The Inventory & WIP Cost Processors will not cost transactions as of the cost cut-off date Typically used at month-end and year-end Helps with overlapping inventory accounting periods Use it with your annual cost rollup and standard cost revaluation (standard costing) Use it to stop costing to allow you to enter your new year AvgRates cost type information (average costing)
Slide 15 Cost Type Controls Multi-Org Allow Updates Snapshot Bills Previous Level Rollup Options
Slide 16 Cost Type Controls – Alternate BOMs for Costing
Slide 17 Currency Controls & Decimal Formatting
Slide 18 Custom Mass Edits What do you do if you want something different?
Slide 19 Custom Mass Edits – CST_MASS_EDITS Oracle Cost Management has an open architecture so you can create your own custom mass edits Common ones include: Last PO Price Multi-org A/P average Changing material overheads across multiple inventory orgs Really, anything multi-org … Mass edits are stored procedures, registered in CST_MASS_EDITS MASS_EDIT_ID MASS_EDIT_NAME DESCRIPTION USER_DEFINED CONCURRENT_PROGRAM PROCEDURE_NAME INVENTORY_FLAG DISABLE_DATE
Slide 20 Data verification audits For BOM, Engineering & MRP
Slide 21 Data verification audits Use to find invalid information, BOM Audit examples: Costed items not assigned to the costing category set Costed items with no frozen costs Bills that are buy items Bills with no components Components with zero usage quantity
Slide 22 Defaults for Job Close - Form No defaults for job status form / can close your shop floor down
Slide 23 Defaults for Job Close – SRS Launch Latest Release 12 SRS Launch does has a default status (but defaults to “Exclude Jobs with Pending Trans: No”)
Slide 24 Defaults for Job Close SRS – How to Change Change your defaults in the Concurrent Program Definition (Sysadmin or Application Developer resp.)
Slide 25 Defaults for Standard Cost Update Defaults to All Items – you may wish to change this
Slide 26 Item Cost Mass Load Tools What you really want to do is: Download your item costs into Excel Upload new costs into a pending cost type from Excel Choices? Dataloader Customizations (self-build) Commercial products More4Apps – Item Cost Wizard, Transactions Wizard (Avg Cost Update) ChainSys – appLoad suite of tools
Slide 27 Printing/Reporting Good News for Latest R12 Versions (XML Reports) Latest Release 12 has XML reports, lots and lots of them But not where you expect them
Slide 28 Good News for Latest R12 Versions (XML Reports) Latest Release 12 has XML reports, lots and lots of them (But not where you expect them)
Slide 29 In the Meantime - How do You Print Off the Text-Based Reports? Per MetaLink ID , in the Oracle EBS Applications, the seed data provided for the print style definition is for a DEC LN03 printer For some reason the Sysadmins and implementation partners don’t seem to “get it” Common problems: Poor pagination Wrapped lines Unusable output
Slide 30 In the Meantime - How do You Print Off the Text-Based Reports? Macro for MS Word (thanks for Ashley Herrott, Celgene Corporation, for sharing)
Slide 31 In the Meantime - How do You Print Off the Text-Based Reports? Paste the following into your new MS Word Macro Sub Oracle() ' ' Oracle Macro ' Macro recorded 3/1/2006 by Zak ' Selection.WholeStory With ActiveDocument.PageSetup.LineNumbering.Active = False.Orientation = wdOrientLandscape.TopMargin = InchesToPoints(0.5).BottomMargin = InchesToPoints(0.5).LeftMargin = InchesToPoints(0.5).RightMargin = InchesToPoints(0.5).Gutter = InchesToPoints(0).HeaderDistance = InchesToPoints(0.5).FooterDistance = InchesToPoints(0.5).PageWidth = InchesToPoints(11).PageHeight = InchesToPoints(8.5).FirstPageTray = wdPrinterDefaultBin.OtherPagesTray = wdPrinterDefaultBin.SectionStart = wdSectionNewPage.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = False.VerticalAlignment = wdAlignVerticalTop.SuppressEndnotes = False.MirrorMargins = False.TwoPagesOnOne = False.GutterPos = wdGutterPosLeft End With Selection.Font.Name = "Courier New" Selection.Font.Name = "Courier New" Selection.Font.Size = 6.5 End Sub
Slide 32 In the Meantime - How do You Print Off the Text-Based Reports? Save to your template and customize your menu:
Slide 33 In the Meantime - How do You Print Off the Text-Based Reports? (You can even assign an icon to your new command): Now save as a command: And drag to your favorite toolbar:
Slide 34 What About Decimal Precision for Quantities? There is a common profile which affects all inventory, BOM and WIP reports and how the quantity precision is reported You can set this profile by person INV: Dynamic Precision Option for Quantity on Reports
Slide 35 Material Overhead Defaults
Slide 36 Material Overhead Absorption Rules
Slide 37 Transaction Value Historical Summary Report
Slide 38 Summary As true with most ERP solutions, there are little-known features which can really be helpful We have looked at many of them, for more, go to the OAUG Cost SIG minutes for May 2008 If you have tips you would like to share let us know Slide 38
Slide 39 Acknowledgements You, the OAUG Cost SIG, thanks for sharing Partners in crime at my clients over the years
Slide 40 Douglas Volz Professional Background Doug Volz is a Senior Architect and Advisor for Oracle Application projects, with a particular interest in Cost and Project Management. He has 30 years accumulated experience, including 5 years in Oracle Development (co-designing Oracle Cost Management) and 12 years in industry in Cost and Accounting Management positions. His Manufacturing and Cost systems experience covers project management, software design/development, delivery and consulting services, for both Oracle Corporation, and multiple international consulting firms. Prior to his systems career, Mr. Volz also held numerous management accounting positions for telecommunications, defense, and electronics companies. In his consulting roles Doug has served over 100 clients. Many of these were multi-org, multi-currency with global footprints. Countries include US, Mexico, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Taiwan, P.R.O.C., Norway, Japan, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Doug leads the OAUG Cost Special Interest Group. He also advises and participates on the Oracle Customer Advisory Board for Fusion Costing. Core Expertise Multi-organization, Multi-currency ERP Implementations Project Management and Senior Project Advisor Core manufacturing processes Cost Management Inventory Bills of Material WIP Systems Integration and Data Conversions Experience Sample of clients served: Beckman Coulter (US) Matsushita (UK, Mexico) NTL (now Virgin Media) Logitech (US, Taiwan, P.R.C.) Celgene Corporation (US, Switzerland) NTL (UK, now Virgin Media) TCI International (US) Onninen AS (Norway)
Slide 41 Thank You for Your Attendance and Participation