Megan Branson
Paid annual leave or recreational leave Paid personal leave-sick leave or carers leave A minimum period of notice if fired You are entitled to. A minimum wage(if you’re under 21, there are other expectations determined by the Australian fair pay commission) Maximum ordinary working hours of 38 per week. Four weeks annual leave per year Personal leave of ten days per year Unpaid parental leave of 52 weeks
Keep a signed copy of: Your letter of employment Your contact of workplace agreement Even thought they are copies they should still be signed.
If you’re under 15 there are certain rules that should be followed: Your employer has to get a child employment permit (CEP) You can’t serve alcohol, operate heavy machinery, work in gaming, sell door-to-door, work on a fishing boat at sea or work on a building or construction site.
If you don’t work for family, there are some restrictions on the number of hours you work: During the school term you can only work for a maximum of three hours a day and twelve hours a week. During school holidays you can work for six hours a day and up to thirty hours a week. You can only work between 6am and 9pm. You have to get a thirty minute rest break for every three hours you work. Twelve hours rest minimum between every shift.
If you work for your family there are still rules to be followed: You have to be supervised by your parent or guardian. You can’t work during school hours. Only do light work. How much you get paid depends on the terms and conditions of your employment.