SAI JULY 21, 2015 “For teachers, as for students, the most effective evaluation comes from someone who sits besides us and helps us grow.” Carol Ann Tomlinson
SCRUBS Evaluation
“One of the biggest challenges facing school-level administrators is directly addressing performance issues- both positive and negative……a typical school includes staff members who might be classified as 30% superstars, 50% middle stars, and 20% falling stars…. It is natural to recognize exceptional performance from the superstars as well as to ignore inferior performance from the falling stars….You simply cannot ignore performance issues and expect your superstars to stick around very long.” Cottrell (2002) Say Something…
Think, Pair, Share What is your vision for ensuring that all types of performance issues are addressed through classroom observations and evaluations?
Nuts and Bolts of Classroom Observations and Teacher Evaluations Review district evaluation process Review district and building level goals and professional development plans Determine where in the process each teacher will be for the upcoming school year (year 1, 2 or 3) Notify teachers on cycle for formal evaluation Hold a meeting for teachers on cycle during back to school work days. During this meeting, review the formal evaluation process and expectations. Build a weekly time into calendar for classroom visits
Quick Write….. How will you implement classroom observations and evaluations that ensure you are making consistent judgments and promoting professional learning by teachers?
The 21 Responsibilities of the School Leader Responsibility 13: Knowledge of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Possessing extensive knowledge about effective instructional practices Possessing extensive knowledge about effective curricular practices Possessing extensive knowledge about effective assessment practices Possessing conceptual guidance regarding effective classroom practices
The 21 Responsibilities of the School Leader Responsibility 14: Monitoring and Evaluating “The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback.” Hattie (1992) Continually monitoring the effectiveness of the school’s curricular, instructional, and assessment practices Being continually aware of the impact of the school’s practices on student achievement.
What Makes a Great Leader…..
Bill Gates on Teacher Evaluation
Resources Marzano, Robert J., Timothy Waters, and Brian A. McNulty. School Leadership That Works: From Research to Results. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Print. Danielson, Charlotte. Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching. 2Nd Edition. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. "13 Things That Make a Great Leader." Medium. N.p., 30 Apr Web. 20 July 2015.