The History of Halloween
Halloween Parties!! Halloween parties are so fun!! The host usually tries to scare you out of your mind! It is freaky but fun!!
Movies A lot of people watch scary movies on Halloween. Some scary movies are…. Scary Movies
Pumpkins! Pumpkins are another tradition in America and maybe some other places too. Normally, people cut the top off of the pumpkin. Then they get all of the seeds and guts out. Then, they carve a face in it and put a candle inside the pumpkin. You light the candle and you have a Jack-o-lantern!!
Halloween Costumes!!! For some reason, every Halloween, kids dress up in costumes. They are things like witches, vampires, fairies, pirates, and their favorite sing star of that moment! This is a tradition I hope will carry on for many years to come!!
Trick or Treat!!! On Halloween, kids go from door-to-door saying “trick or treat” to whoever opens the door. After they say that, they get candy!!!! Who knows why someone started that tradition!!!
A lot of people are afraid of ghosts! It is a tradition and a lot of people will dress up like a ghost for trick or treat time!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!