Written by John Reynolds Gardner Stone Fox Written by John Reynolds Gardner
Story Elements Setting Characters Problem/Conflict Solution/Climax Point of View
Setting Potato Farm State of Wyoming Teton Mountains Snowy and Cold
Characters Little Willy ~ Searchlight ~ 10 year old boy Determined, responsible, and respectful Cares for his family Demonstrates perseverance Searchlight ~ Little Willy’s dog Loyal
Characters Grandpa ~ Stone Fox ~ Potato farmer Became sick Owes $500 in back taxes Lost his will to live Stone Fox ~ Shoshone Indian Giant of a man Shows no emotion/is disrespectful Shows respect Shows generosity
Problem/Conflict Little Willy’s grandfather is sick. Little Willy’s grandfather owes $500 in taxes. If it is not paid he will lose the farm.
Problem/Conflict Little Willy must compete against Stone Fox and his team of Samoyeds, who have never lost a race. Searchlight collapses and dies just before the finish line.
Solution/Climax Ten-year-old Little Willie will not be stopped. He is determined to keep the farm going and give Grandfather a reason to live. With the help of Searchlight, his sled dog, they plow and harvest the potato crop, but it still isn’t enough.
Solution/Climax Little Willie enters a sled dog race to win the prize money to save the farm and Grandfather. Stone Fox stops the other racers from crossing the line and Little Willy carries Searchlight across the finish to win the race.
Point of View How does the point of view of Stone Fox change from the beginning of the story? Who was the hero of the story? Explain your opinion. Little Willy Stone Fox Searchlight