BEGINNING OF THE RENAISSANCE Authority was placed in the church, they held the answer for everything. Their authority was never questioned Italians lacked respect for science. Except for Leonardo di Vinci
POLITICAL HISTORY Five Important States Milan Venice Florence Papal Domain Naples
CITY-STATE PROFILES Helpful Webpages -states.html -states.html Good for Milan and Florence 5.htm 5.htm
END OF THE RENAISSANCE Rome sacked in 1527 Changing role of the Pope Politics Constant Wars, all bloodless until 1494 when French arrived Pure Italian Wars Country Defenseless Foreign Intervention
WHAT DID THE RENAISSANCE GIVE US? Aftermath Broke down the rigid scholastic system Revived the study of Plato and Aristotle It encouraged the habit of regarding intellectual activity as a delightful social adventure, not a cloistered meditation aiming at the preservation of a predetermined orthodoxy.
RENAISSANCE HUMANISM Seeking Wisdom of the Ancients Scholarship Challenges Tradition Linguistic Correctness Confronting the Original Texts
NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI Born and died in Florence Most important works The Prince Discourses on Livy
NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI The Prince How should a Prince act? Foundation of states? Art of War Ends justify the means. What is the fear in trying new things? Safer to be feared then loved.
NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI Discourses on Livy How should a Prince act? Foundation of states? Art of War Checks and Balances Ignorance of the people
SECONDARY SOURCES Reading Machiavelli in Iraq Iraq like Italy Who did Machiavelli influence? That’s what Machiavelli can teach us Misunderstood for his time Wrote from his experiences
ASSIGNMENT: DUE NOV. 8TH 1. Locate a primary and or secondary source. 2. Read and annotate the source and provide notes and comments. 3. Write a 1-2 paragraphs connecting your source with class sources and show relevance to study of the Italian Renaissance. REMINDERS!!!! Find an academic source not an opinion based article. Reference rubric to obtain full credit.