Copyright ©2010 Cengage Learning Chapter 14 Property Transactions: Capital Gains and Losses, §1231, and Recapture Provisions Comprehensive Volume Copyright ©2010 Cengage Learning
Taxation of Capital Gains and Losses Capital gains and losses must be separated from other types of gains and losses for two reasons: Long-term capital gains may be taxed at a lower rate than ordinary gains A net capital loss is only deductible up to $3,000 per year
Proper Classification of Gains and Losses Depends on three characteristics: The tax status of the property Capital asset, §1231 asset, or ordinary asset The manner of the property’s disposition By sale, exchange, casualty, theft, or condemnation The holding period of the property Short term and long term
Capital Assets (slide 1 of 6) §1221 defines capital assets as everything except: Inventory (stock in trade) Notes and accounts receivables acquired from the sale of inventory or performance of services Realty and depreciable property used in a trade or business (§1231 assets)
Capital Assets (slide 2 of 6) §1221 defines capital assets as everything except (cont’d): Certain copyrights; literary, musical, or artistic compositions; or letters, memoranda, or similar property Taxpayers may elect to treat a sale or exchange of certain musical compositions or copyrights in musical works as the disposition of a capital asset Certain publications of U.S. government Supplies of a type regularly used or consumed in the ordinary course of a business
Capital Assets (slide 3 of 6) Thus, capital assets are: Assets held for investment (e.g., stocks, bonds, land) Personal use assets (e.g., residence, car) Miscellaneous assets selected by Congress
Capital Assets (slide 4 of 6) Dealers in securities In general, securities are the inventory of securities dealers, thus ordinary assets However, a dealer can identify securities as an investment and receive capital gain treatment Clear identification must be made on the day of acquisition
Capital Assets (slide 5 of 6) Real property subdivided for sale Taxpayer may receive capital gain treatment on the subdivision of real estate if the following requirements are met: Taxpayer is not a corporation Taxpayer is not a real estate dealer No substantial improvements made to the lots Taxpayer held the lots for at least 5 years Capital gain treatment occurs until the year in which the 6th lot is sold Then up to 5% of the revenue from lot sales is potential ordinary income That potential ordinary income is offset by any selling expenses from the lot sales
Capital Assets (slide 6 of 6) Nonbusiness bad debts A nonbusiness bad debt is treated as a short-term capital loss in the year it becomes completely worthless Even if outstanding for more than one year
Sale or Exchange (slide 1 of 11) Recognition of capital gains and losses generally requires a sale or exchange of assets Sale or exchange is not defined in the Code There are some exceptions to the sale or exchange requirement
Sale or Exchange–Worthless Securities and § 1244 Stock (slide 2 of 11) A security that becomes worthless creates a deductible capital loss without being sold or exchanged The Code sets an artificial sale date for the securities on the last day of the year in which worthlessness occurs Section 1244 allows an ordinary deduction on disposition of stock at a loss The stock must be that of a small business company The ordinary deduction is limited to $50,000 ($100,000 for married individuals filing jointly) per year
Sale or Exchange (slide 3 of 11) Worthless securities example: Calendar year taxpayer purchased stock on December 5, 2008 The stock becomes worthless on April 5, 2009 The loss is deemed to have occurred on December 31, 2009 The result is a long-term capital loss
Sale or Exchange–Retirement of Corporate Obligations (slide 4 of 11) Collection of the redemption value of corporate obligations (e.g., bonds payable) is treated as a sale or exchange and may result in a capital gain or loss OID amortization increases basis and reduces gain on disposition or retirement
Sale or Exchange–Options (slide 5 of 11) For the grantee of the option Sale of an option results in capital gain or loss if the option property is a capital asset to the grantee Lapse of an option on a capital asset is considered a sale or exchange resulting in a capital loss For the grantor of an option, the lapse creates Short-term capital gain, if the option was on stocks, securities, commodities or commodity futures Otherwise, ordinary income
Sale or Exchange–Options (slide 6 of 11) Exercise of an option by a grantee Increases the gain (or reduces the loss) to the grantor from the sale of the property Gain is ordinary or capital depending on the tax status of the property Grantee adds the cost of the option to the basis of the property acquired
Sale or Exchange–Patents (slide 7 of 11) When all substantial rights to a patent are transferred by a holder to another, the transfer produces long-term capital gain or loss The holder of a patent must be an individual, usually the creator, or an individual who purchases the patent from the creator before the patented invention is reduced to practice
Sale or Exchange–Franchises, Trademarks, and Trade Names (slide 8 of 11) The licensing of franchises, trade names, trademarks, and other intangibles is generally not considered a sale or exchange of a capital asset Therefore, ordinary income results to transferor Exception: Capital gain (loss) may result if the transferor does not retain any significant power, right, or continuing interest
Sale or Exchange–Franchises, Trademarks, and Trade Names (slide 9 of 11) Significant powers, rights, or continuing interests include: Control over assignment, quality of products and services Sale or advertising of other products or services The right to require that substantially all supplies and equipment be purchased from the transferor The right to terminate the franchise at will, and The right to substantial contingent payments
Sale or Exchange–Franchises, Trademarks, and Trade Names (slide 10 of 11) Noncontingent payments are ordinary income to the transferor The franchisee capitalizes the payments and amortizes them over 15 years Contingent payments are ordinary income for the franchisor and an ordinary deduction for the franchisee
Sale or Exchange–Lease Cancellation Payments (slide 11 of 11) Lessee treatment Treated as received in exchange for underlying leased property Capital gain results if asset leased was a capital asset (e.g., personal use ) Ordinary income results if asset leased was an ordinary asset (e.g., used in lessee’s business and lease has existed for one year or less when canceled) Lease could be a § 1231 asset if the property is used in lessee’s trade or business and the lease has existed for > a year when it is canceled Lessor treatment Payments received are ordinary income (rents)
Holding Period (slide 1 of 3) Short-term Asset held for 1 year or less Long-term Asset held for more than 1 year Holding period starts on the day after the property is acquired and includes the day of disposition
Holding Period (slide 2 of 3) Nontaxable Exchanges Holding period of property received includes holding period of former asset if a capital or §1231 asset Transactions involving a carryover basis Former owner’s holding period tacks on to present owner’s holding period if a nontaxable transaction and basis carries over Inherited property is always treated as long term no matter how long it is held by the heir
Holding Period (slide 3 of 3) Short sales Taxpayer sells borrowed securities and then repays the lender with substantially identical securities Gain or loss is not recognized until the short sale is closed Generally, the holding period for a short sale is determined by how long the property used for repayment is held If substantially identical property (e.g., other shares of the same stock) is held by the taxpayer, the short-term or long-term character of the short sale gain or loss may be affected
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 1 of 7) Noncorporate taxpayers Capital gains and losses must be netted by holding period Short-term capital gains and losses are netted Long-term capital gains and losses are netted If possible, long-term gains or losses are then netted with short-term gains or losses If the result is a loss: The capital loss deduction is limited to a maximum deduction of $3,000 Unused amounts retain their character and carryforward indefinitely
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 2 of 7) Noncorporate taxpayers (cont’d) If net from capital transactions is a gain, tax treatment depends on holding period Short-term (assets held 12 months or less) Taxed at ordinary income tax rates Long-term (assets held more than 12 months) An alternative tax calculation is available using preferential tax rates
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 3 of 7) Noncorporate taxpayers (cont’d) Net long-term capital gain is eligible for one or more of four alternative tax rates: 0%, 15%, 25%, and 28% The 25% rate applies to unrecaptured §1250 gain and is related to gain from disposition of §1231 assets The 28% rate applies to collectibles The 0%/15% rates apply to any remaining net long-term capital gain
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 4 of 7) Collectibles, even though they are held long term, are subject to a 28% alternative tax rate Collectibles include any: Work of art Rug or antique Metal or gem Stamp Alcoholic beverage Historical objects (documents, clothes, etc.) Most coins
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 5 of 7) Qualified dividend income paid from current or acc. E & P is eligible for the 0%/15% long-term capital gain rates After determining net capital gain or loss, qualified dividend income is added to the net long-term capital gain portion of the net capital gain and is taxed as 0%/15% gain If there is a net capital loss, it is still deductible for AGI Limited to $3,000 per year with the remainder of the loss carrying over In this case, the qualified dividend income is still eligible to be treated as 0%/15% gain in the alternative tax calculation It is not offset by the net capital loss
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 6 of 7) The alternative tax on net capital gain applies only if taxable income includes some net long-term capital gain Net capital gain may be made up of various rate layers For each layer, compare the regular tax rate with the alternative tax rate on that portion of the net capital gain The layers are taxed in the following order: 25% gain, 28% gain, the 0% portion of the 0%/15% gain, and then the 15% portion of the 0%/15% gain This allows the taxpayer to receive the lower of the regular tax or the alternative tax on each layer of net capital gain
Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses (slide 7 of 7) Corporate taxpayers Differences in corporate capital treatment There is a NCG alternative tax rate of 35 % Since the max corporate tax rate is 35 %, the alternative tax is not beneficial Net capital losses can only offset capital gains (i.e., no $3,000 deduction in excess of capital gains) Net capital losses are carried back 3 years and carried forward 5 years as short-term losses
§1231 Assets (slide 1 of 4) §1231 assets defined Depreciable and real property used in a business or for production of income and held greater than 1 year Includes timber, coal, iron, livestock, unharvested crops Certain purchased intangibles
§1231 Assets (slide 2 of 4) §1231 property does not include the following: Property not held for the long-term holding period Nonpersonal use property where casualty losses exceed casualty gains for the taxable year Inventory and property held primarily for sale to customers Copyrights, literary, musical, or artistic compositions and certain U.S. government publications Accounts receivable and notes receivable arising in the ordinary course of a trade or business
§1231 Assets (slide 3 of 4) If transactions involving §1231 assets result in: Net §1231 loss = ordinary loss Net §1231 gain = long-term capital gain
§1231 Assets (slide 4 of 4) Provides the best of potential results for the taxpayer Ordinary loss that is fully deductible for AGI Gains subject to the lower capital gains tax rates
Casualty Gains And Losses From §1231 Assets (slide 1 of 2) Casualty gains and losses from §1231 assets and from long-term nonpersonal use capital assets are determined and netted together If a net loss, items are treated separately §1231 casualty gains and nonpersonal use capital asset casualty gains are treated as ordinary gains §1231 casualty losses are deductible FOR AGI Nonpersonal use capital asset casualty losses are deductible FROM AGI subject to the 2% of AGI limitation If a net gain, treat as §1231 gain
Casualty Gains And Losses From §1231 Assets (slide 2 of 2) The special netting process for casualties & thefts does not include condemnation gains and losses A § 1231 asset disposed of by condemnation receives § 1231 treatment Personal use property condemnation gains and losses are not subject to the § 1231 rules Gains are capital gains Personal use property is a capital asset Losses are nondeductible They arise from the disposition of personal use property
General Procedure for § 1231 Computation (slide 1 of 3) Step 1: Casualty Netting Net all recognized long-term gains & losses from casualties of § 1231 assets and nonpersonal use capital assets If casualty gains exceed casualty losses, add the excess to the other § 1231 gains for the taxable year If casualty losses exceed casualty gains, exclude all casualty losses and gains from further § 1231 computation All casualty gains are ordinary income Section 1231 asset casualty losses are deductible for AGI Other casualty losses are deductible from AGI
General Procedure for § 1231 Computation (slide 2 of 3) Step 2: § 1231 Netting After adding any net casualty gain from previous step to the other § 1231 gains and losses, net all § 1231 gains and losses If gains exceed the losses, net gain is offset by the ‘‘lookback’’ nonrecaptured § 1231 losses from the 5 prior tax years To the extent of this offset, the net § 1231 gain is classified as ordinary gain Any remaining gain is long-term capital gain If the losses exceed the gains, all gains are ordinary income Section 1231 asset losses are deductible for AGI Other casualty losses are deductible from AGI
General Procedure for § 1231 Computation (slide 3 of 3) Step 3: § 1231 Lookback Provision The net § 1231 gain from the previous step is offset by the nonrecaptured net § 1231 losses for the five preceding taxable years To the extent of the nonrecaptured net § 1231 loss, the current-year net § 1231 gain is ordinary income The nonrecaptured net § 1231 losses are those that have not already been used to offset net § 1231 gains Only the net § 1231 gain exceeding this net § 1231 loss carryforward is given long-term capital gain treatment
Lookback Provision Example Taxpayer had the following net §1231 gains and losses: 2007 $ 4,000 loss 2008 10,000 loss 2009 16,000 gain In 2009, taxpayer’s net §1231 gain of $16,000 will be treated as $14,000 of ordinary income and $2,000 of long-term capital gain
§1231 Netting Procedure (slide 1 of 2) §1231 asset and long-term nonpersonal use capital asset casualty gains minus §1231 asset and long-term nonpersonal use capital asset casualty losses Net Gain Net Loss Items treated separately: Gains are ordinary income, §1231 asset losses are deductible for AGI, Other losses deductible from AGI Net Gain (add to §1231 gains) §1231 gains minus §1231 losses Net Loss Net Gain
§1231 Netting Procedure (slide 2 of 2) Net Gain Lookback Provision: Net gain is offset against nonrecaptured net §1231 losses from 5 prior tax years Gain offset by lookback losses is ordinary gain Remaining gain is LTCG
Depreciation Recapture (slide 1 of 3) Assets subject to depreciation or cost recovery may be subject to depreciation recapture when disposed of at a gain Losses on depreciable assets receive §1231 treatment No recapture occurs in loss situations
Depreciation Recapture (slide 2 of 3) Depreciation recapture characterizes gains that would appear to be §1231 as ordinary gain The Code contains two major recapture provisions §1245 §1250
Depreciation Recapture (slide 3 of 3) Depreciation recapture provisions generally override all other Code Sections There are exceptions to depreciation recapture rules, for example: In dispositions where all gain is not recognized e.g., like-kind exchanges, involuntary conversions Where gain is not recognized at all e.g., gifts and inheritances
§1245 Recapture (slide 1 of 3) Depreciation recapture for §1245 property Applies to tangible and intangible personalty, and nonresidential realty using accelerated methods of ACRS (placed in service 1981-86) Recapture potential is entire amount of accumulated depreciation for asset Method of depreciation does not matter
§1245 Recapture (slide 2 of 3) When gain on the disposition of a §1245 asset is less than the total amount of accumulated depreciation: The total gain will be treated as depreciation recapture (i.e., ordinary income)
§1245 Recapture (slide 3 of 3) When the gain on the disposition of a §1245 asset is greater than the total amount of accumulated depreciation: Total accumulated depreciation will be recaptured (as ordinary income), and The gain in excess of depreciation recapture will be §1231 gain or capital gain
Observations on § 1245 (slide 1 of 3) Usually total depreciation taken will exceed the recognized gain Therefore, disposition of § 1245 property usually results in ordinary income rather than § 1231 gain Thus, generally, no § 1231 gain will occur unless the § 1245 property is disposed of for more than its original cost
Observations on § 1245 (slide 2 of 3) Recapture applies to the total amount of depreciation allowed or allowable regardless of the depreciation method used Recapture applies regardless of the holding period of the property If held for < the long-term holding period the entire recognized gain is ordinary income because § 1231 does not apply
Observations on § 1245 (slide 3 of 3) Section 1245 does not apply to losses which receive § 1231 treatment Gains from the disposition of § 1245 assets may also be treated as passive activity gains
§1250 Recapture (slide 1 of 2) Depreciation recapture for §1250 property Applies to depreciable real property Exception: Nonresidential realty classified as §1245 property (i.e., placed in service after 1980 and before 1987, and accelerated depreciation used) Intangible real property, such as leaseholds of § 1250 property, is also included
§1250 Recapture (slide 2 of 2) Section 1250 recapture rarely applies since only the amount of additional depreciation is subject to recapture To have additional depreciation, accelerated depreciation must have been taken on the asset Straight-line depreciation is not recaptured (except for property held one year or less) Depreciable real property placed in service after 1986 can generally only be depreciated using the straight-line method Therefore, no depreciation recapture potential for such property § 1250 does not apply if the real property is sold at a loss
Real Estate 25% Gain (slide 1 of 4) Also called unrecaptured §1250 gain or 25% gain 25% gain is some or all of the §1231 gain treated as long-term capital gain Used in the alternative tax computation for net capital gain
Real Estate 25% Gain (slide 2 of 4) Maximum amount of 25% gain is depreciation taken on real property sold at a recognized gain reduced by: Certain §1250 and §1245 depreciation recapture Losses from other §1231 assets §1231 lookback losses Limited to recognized gain when total gain is less than depreciation taken
Real Estate 25% Gain (slide 3 of 4) Special 25% Gain Netting Rules Where there is a § 1231 gain from real estate and that gain includes both potential 25% gain and potential 0%/15% gain, any § 1231 loss from disposition of other § 1231 assets First offsets the 0%/15% portion of the § 1231 gain Then offsets the 25% portion of the § 1231 gain Also, any § 1231 lookback loss First recharacterizes the 25% portion of the § 1231 gain Then recharacterizes the 0%/15% portion of the § 1231 gain as ordinary income
Real Estate 25% Gain (slide 4 of 4) Net § 1231 Gain Limitation The amount of unrecaptured § 1250 gain may not exceed the net § 1231 gain that is eligible to be treated as long-term capital gain The unrecaptured § 1250 gain is the lesser of The unrecaptured § 1250 gain, or The net § 1231 gain that is treated as capital gain Thus, if there is a net § 1231 gain, but it is all recaptured by the 5 year § 1231 lookback loss provision, there is no surviving § 1231 gain or unrecaptured § 1250 gain
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 1 of 8) Gifts The carryover basis of gifts, from donor to donee, also carries over depreciation recapture potential associated with asset That is, donee steps into shoes of donor with regard to depreciation recapture potential
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 2 of 8) Inheritance Death is only way to eliminate recapture potential That is, depreciation recapture potential does not carry over from decedent to heir
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 3 of 8) Charitable contributions Recapture potential reduces the amount of charitable contribution deductions that are based on FMV
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 4 of 8) Nontaxable transactions When the transferee carries over the basis of the transferor, the recapture potential also carries over Included in this category are transfers of property pursuant to the following: Nontaxable incorporations under § 351 Certain liquidations of subsidiary companies under § 332 Nontaxable contributions to a partnership under § 721 Nontaxable reorganizations Gain may be recognized in these transactions if boot is received If gain is recognized, it is treated as ordinary income to the extent of the recapture potential or recognized gain, whichever is lower
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 5 of 8) Like-kind exchanges and involuntary conversions Property received in these transactions have a substituted basis Basis of former property and its recapture potential is substituted for basis of new property Any gain recognized on the transaction will first be treated as depreciation recapture, then as §1231 or capital gain Any remaining recapture potential carries over
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 6 of 8) Installment sales Recapture gain is recognized in year of sale regardless of whether gain is otherwise recognized under the installment method
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 7 of 8) Property Dividends A corporation generally recognizes gain on the distribution of appreciated property to shareholders Recapture applies to the extent of the lower of the recapture potential or the excess of the property’s FMV over its adjusted basis
Related Effects of Recapture (slide 8 of 8) Sales between related parties Sales of depreciable assets between related parties can cause the total gain to be recognized as ordinary income Applies to related party sales or exchanges of property that is depreciable in hands of transferee
Dr. Donald R. Trippeer, CPA If you have any comments or suggestions concerning this PowerPoint Presentation for South-Western Federal Taxation, please contact: Dr. Donald R. Trippeer, CPA SUNY Oneonta