6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau LC Learning to Collaborate L 2 C Learning to Collaborate Process and Outputs First Cycle: Months 1-6 INSEAD
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau WP Research and State of the Art Review/ Best and Worst Practices (M1-5) Reports on the different research fields (M5) WP 1.1 Simulation Workshop (M3) Report Workshop results (M4) WP 3 ACDT Framework & Simulation Prototype WP 1.8 Knowledge Integration (M5-6) D 1.1 Knowledge harvesting/ integration (M6 or M7) Book “Understanding Collaboration Dynamics and Technologies” Articles 6 articles on different research areas Cycle 1: Process and Outputs WP 2.2 ACDT VLC Select relevant, operationalizable models for implementation WP 2.1 ACDT Knowledge Base
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau WP 1 Knowledge Harvesting and Integration (Month 1-6) WP 2 Knowledge management tools development (Month 5-8) Month 1-6 Tasks
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Lead: UAFM Start/End: M1- M6 Alternative schedule: M1-M7 Distribution of man months : InseadUcscUafmOfaiOuScilIFAlbaUCMetisFVAAlphaSU 10585,552,514,512,523,55 WP 1 Knowledge Harvesting and Integration (Month 1-6)
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau WP 1 Objectives 1. State of the art review in the following collaboration-related areas: Motivational and Cultural dynamics (UCSC) Knowledge-integration dynamics (UAFM) Technology-enhanced workgroup dynamics (Insead) Collaboration management competencies: Best/Worst Practices (Alpha) Learning solutions addressing advanced collaboration dynamics (SCIL) Advanced simulations and agent technologies (Insead)
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau 2. Focus on the question: In a SmallWorld Simulation focusing on collaboration challenges and traps, which are the BEHAVIORAL PATTERS and DYNAMICS which should be included to reflect today's know-how on the factors affecting the success/failure of collaboration initiatives? WP 1 Objectives
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau 3. These PATTERNS and DYNAMICS will then be “scenarioized” and embedded in the simulations (WP 3) to represent: diagnostics challenges intervention challenges 4. The simulation experience will lead naturally to a discussion of the underlying models/insights/factors “explaining” the selected PATTERNS and DYNAMICS included in the simulation.
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Results from Tasks will be integrated through Task 1.8 and lead to the following outputs: EC-related outputs 1. D1.1 ACDT Knowledge Harvesting and State-of-the- Art Report 2. Project Launch Workshop Report Internal outputs 1. Articles. Resulting from research from Tasks Book volume. We will consider publishing the insights gained in WP1 as a volume on the subject “Understanding Collaboration Dynamics and Technologies”
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau WP 2 Knowledge Management Tools and Development Lead: FVA Start/End: M5 - M8 Alternative schedule: M2 - M5 Distribution of man months: InseadUcscUafmOfaiOuScilIFAlbaUCMetisFVAAlphaSU ,553
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau 1. Design and implement first version of : ACDT Knowledge Base ACDT Virtual Learning Community 2. Flow of results of WP 1 into the KM tool 3. Involve all project members and their external networks in the use of VLC WP 2 Objectives
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Scenario 1: Deliverable submission early Sept Team/Task leaders to submit TOC & Task proposal due 30/3 (V1) WP 1 T1.3 Knowledge integration T1.2 Motivation/Cultural T1.4 Technology enhanced workgroup dynamics T1.5 Collaboration management competencies T1.6 Learning solutions for ACD T1.7 Advanced simulations and agent technologies Process meeting 25-26/5 (V2) Partners to present tasks progress and structure for partner feedback Partners to submit individual research piece by 1/7 (V3) Integration of individual pieces by UAFM and Insead in July Submit Final version beginning Sept Review meeting + final edits 31/7 (V4) Commission Review end Sept 1.5 months ~ 1 months 1 month Feedback from UAFM & INSEAD 15/4 Feedback from UAFM & INSEAD 21/7
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Scenario 2: Deliverable submission early Oct Team/Task leaders to submit TOC & Task proposal due 30/3 (V1) WP 1 T1.3 Knowledge integration T1.2 Motivation/Cultural T1.4 Technology enhanced workgroup dynamics T1.5 Collaboration management competencies T1.6 Learning solutions for ACD T1.7 Advanced simulations and agent technologies Process meeting 25-26/5 (V2) Partners to present tasks progress and structure for partner feedback Partners to submit individual research piece by 31/7 (V3) Integration of individual pieces by UAFM and Insead in Aug Submit Final version beginning Oct Review meeting + final edits 15/9 (V4) Commission Review end Oct 1.5 months ~ 2.5 months 1 month Feedback from UAFM & INSEAD 15/4 Feedback from UAFM & INSEAD 1/9
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Other outputs for Months 1-6 WP 7 : D7.1 Quality assurance plan due M 2 (Insead) WP 5 : D5.1 Dissemination and exploitation plan due M6 (MeTis)
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Suggested Process for Months 1-6 Month 1 (Mar) Kickoff meeting March 6-7 at Insead Partners begin SOA literature review process Month 2 (Apr)Continue work on WP tasks WP 7 : D7.1 Quality assurance plan due (Insead) Month 3 (May)Meeting for status report (end May) EIS Simulation Workshop at the Q meeting, after which partners to provide insights on how to extend current simulation to address collaboration dynamics. Month 4 (Jun)Continue work on specific WP tasks Workshop report distributed to partners
6-7 / 3/ 2006INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Suggested Process Month 5 (Jul)Task 1.8 consolidates T work Begin writeup for deliverable and book chapters WP 2 : ACDT knowledge base design early July (Insead) WP 2 : ACDT Virtual community design early July (FVA) WP 5 : D5.1 Dessemination and exploitation plan due Month 6 (Aug)Partners to start uploading and testing the KM tool Beginning month 6, task leaders to provide report on research outcomes for articles, deliverable and book volume D1.1 Deliverable of knowledge harvesting/integration due end Aug. Articles that correspond to Task prepared by end Aug WP 2 : ACDT knowledge base implementation (Insead) WP 2 : ACDT Virtual community implementation (FVA) Month 7 (Sep) Quarterly meeting early Sep to discuss plan for next 6 months focusing on WP 2 (KM tool) and WP 3 (ACDT framework and Simulation prototype development)