“It was about Fascism, it was about Anarchy, it was about England” – Alan Moore
Let me tell you a little bit about my Vendetta!
Am I a Hero, or a Villain? That is the real question.
Why did I choose Evey as my apprentice?
Which government serves the people best? A fascist government or anarchy?
At the end, I die, yet I do so for a reason. Why do I let myself die?
Why does the reader never see my face?
Moment-to-moment Transitions
Colour Dark Scheme
Frames Extreme Close-Ups!
Frames Full Page Frame!
Cultural Influences They’re Everywhere!
Cultural Influences Revenge of the Graphic Artists!
Conclusion I was born a human, yet died an Idea.
Works Cited "Alan Moore." The Notable Names Database Web. 09 Dec Coleman, Gabriella. "The Politics Of Project Chanology." PSFK. 26 Apr Web. 09 Dec Harms. "WSU Classrooms Hacked by “V for Vendetta” Copycat." The End. 10 Nov Web. 09 Dec Moore, Alan, David Lloyd, Steve Whitaker, and Siobhan Dodds. V for Vendetta. New York: DC Comics, Print. Solo. "The Simpsons "Husbands and Knives" Season 19 Episode 407." We Love Simpsons. 10 Jan Web. 09 Dec "V for Vendetta Symbol." Photos De High School Musical. Web. 09 Dec