Biology Echinoderm Review Game
Echinoderm Classes Echinoderm Anatomy Echinoderm Terminology Echinoderm Random Questions 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 2 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 4 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points
The three classes of echinoderms. 1 pointCheck
What are holothuroidea, crinoidea, and asteriodea? 1 point Back to Category Slide
This class is home to the sea cucumber. 2 pointsCheck
What is class holothuroidea? 2 points Back to Category Slide
This class of echinoderms includes the sea lilies and feather stars. 3 pointsCheck
What is class crinoidea? 3 points Back to Category Slide
Sea stars and starfish belong to this class of echinoderms. 4 pointsCheck
What is asteriodea? 4 points Back to Category Slide
Sea urchins are the common organism that is found in this class. (not in our notes but in the video :) 5 pointsCheck
5 points Back to Category Slide What is class echinoidea?
This ventral structure is commonly everted out of the body. (be specific) 1 pointCheck
What is the cardiac stomach? 1 point Back to Category Slide
List the 6 structures of the water vascular system in order. 2 pointsCheck
What is the madreporite, stone canal, ring canal, radial canal, lateral canal, and ampulla/tube feet? 2 points Back to Category Slide
Specific name of the tiny jaws that are located around the spines of a starfish. 3 pointsCheck
What are pedicellarie? 3 points Back to Category Slide
Motion sensors found on the lateral side of each arm. 4 pointsCheck
What are eyespots? 4 points Back to Category Slide
The name of the nerve that overlaps the ring canal of the starfish. 5 pointsCheck
What is the nerve ring? 5 points Back to Category Slide
The Latin meaning of echinoderm. 1 pointCheck
What is spiny skin? 1 point Back to Category Slide
The circular center of the starfish. 2 pointsCheck
What is central disc? 2 points Back to Category Slide
Another name for the body of a crinoid. 3 pointsCheck
3 points Back to Category Slide What is the calyx?
The locomotion of crinoids would best be described by this word. 4 pointsCheck
4 points Back to Category Slide What is sessile?
The body and arms of a crinoid together look like this object. 5 pointsCheck
What is a crown? 5 points Back to Category Slide
The deepest known location of sea cucumbers. 1 pointCheck
What is the Philipine Trench? 1 point Back to Category Slide
This side of the starfish is home to the mouth, ambulacral groove and tube feet. (D.A.) 2 pointsCheck
What is the ventral side? 2 points Back to Category Slide
If you cut off the 3 arms of a regular starfish, how many arms do you have. 3 pointsCheck
What is 3 arms? 3 points Back to Category Slide
The three things pedicellarie do for the starfish. 4 pointsCheck
What are protection, keeping surface clean, and help to catch food? 4 points Back to Category Slide
According to new information, the fastest crinoid recorded is 145 m/hr. Convert this to cm/sec. 5 pointsCheck
What is 4 cm/sec? 5 points Back to Category Slide