Soccer Sponsors Who would we want for a Hispanic customer? – Research where Hispanic customers shop – Find out what their preferences are Think about how those preferences translate into spending – Discover their demographic tendencies Think about how those tendencies translate into family lifestyle and psychographics
Why Do The Teams Need Sponsors? The league is not yet profitable Sponsorships help fans associate the team with a product they like – Example: Dodge Ram Van for NFL Football Connotes strengths, American values – Who could be the car for MLS Soccer? – content/uploads/2013/06/AdsmovilUSHAUTOSSU RVEY2012.pdf content/uploads/2013/06/AdsmovilUSHAUTOSSU RVEY2012.pdf
Strategy for Twitter Assignment Choose a segment – Apparel – Automobiles – Food – Entertainment – Etc. Research the Hispanic preference Choose your Sponsor based on that preference – This way you will ensure that it makes sense for the specific customer demographic