ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May 2004 Topic 4: Effects of software certification on the current balance between software/system modeling, analysis and testing
ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May Context Traditional approach for certified software development has been to implement the system and then perform rigorous testing and analysis (post-creation) – Safety critical systems are designed to reduce this testing/analysis burden Newer model-based approaches are intended to reduce errors and support analysis (pre-creation), but… Certification processes require the same degree of confidence in all evidence used therein – E.g., when less direct methods are to be used for certification: Any models, modeling tools, analysis tools, etc, must be certified to the same level as the underlying system, and Fidelity of any system representations must be similarly certified for all applicable aspects (e.g. functionality, timing, concurrency) Certify?
ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May Responses Concerned with Applying certification criteria to larger scope of behavior – E.g. more dynamic behavior Certification of “traditional” designs using non-system testing methods
ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May Question 1 …What techniques are available which compellingly reduce the aggregate certification effort? (Topic 2) – Formal Methods? (Sylvester Fernandez) – Commoditized components may help Issues of trust and confidence, rather than technology alone, must be addressed (Richard Payne) – Modeling and simulation (discrete event simulation) could be used to represent the behavior of the system and this simulation could be certified in relation to requirements (Fredrick Sheldon) – SPN/SAN Models
ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May Question 2 …What unique approaches, if any, can more efficiently certify tools and representations than the system itself? (Richard Payne) – Model-based testing – construct models of intended system behavior in the form of a sequence-based specification to validate system requirements are complete and correct. – Markov chain usage models- to generate a large sample of system software test cases of mission-based test scenarios – Model-based testing can be implemented at a relatively small cost compared to the overall software development and test budget as well as rework costs.
ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May Question 3 …What aspects are most amenable to these approaches and techniques? – Can techniques address unique challenges resulting from mobile ad hoc networking or other system of system dynamics? (Topic 2) – Concurrency – formal methods “proof of properties” (Joe Loyall) – Increase the ability to certify dynamic systems by constraining their dynamism Dynamically choosing from a set of certified static choices – If we can’t certify exactly correct behavior for highly dynamic systems, perhaps we can certify their limits – Can we certify the adaptive mechanisms that delimit behavior, recover, protect, or keep software operating within a “safe” subset of possibilities (Richard Payne) – Usage modeling process aid in identifying possible combinations and configurations of the system operating in a variety of ways and documenting them explicitly in behavioral models – It can help not only to verify that the system functions correctly under dynamic conditions but also help to determine what those conditions are (Chris Gill) – Reliable message delivery in the face of transient connectivity by exploiting motion and availability profiles
ARO Workshop Wendy Roll - May Question 4 …Are these approaches and techniques scalable to the size of FCS? (Richard Payne) – The model-based testing approach has not been used on a program the scope of the UoA but from a modeling standpoint, it should be feasible – usage states can be captured in usage models with the latest available techniques – Major challenge is providing required test capabilities for large scale, automated testing – Without a robust, semi-automated test capability, it will be very difficult to ever measure the software reliability with any level of confidence (Chris Gill) – If we can find ways to decompose the problem