Developing and Executing an Effective Crisis Management Plan Tyler G. Bryant, Business Manager August 22, 2009 Fall 2009 WGUR Conference
Introduction “The best defense is a well-planed offense.” A crisis management plan is designed to provide guidelines for a practical communications system that is adaptable for any crisis situation.
Preparing for a Crisis Do not wait until the crisis occurs. Be prepared ahead of time for surviving the crisis.
Crisis Management Plan Predict Anticipate everything and anything could go wrong with your company. Never assume nothing will go wrong. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Crisis Management Plan Position (Identify the issues) Decide what your position will be on these issues. Do not change your issue while in the crisis. Create one and keep it!
Crisis Management Plan Prevent Take preventative measures. Prepare for the crisis by trying to prevent it from happening in the first place!
Crisis Management Plan Persevere Follow your plan and stick to the positions you have taken. See your position through in a positive manner!
Crisis Management Plan Evaluate If the plan is enacted, review the results with your team to determine if there are other steps that can be taken to prevent it from happening again. Update! Update! Update!
Responding to Media and Outsiders Define the scope of your crisis: local, regional, national or international Whom did you hurt and where are they located?
Responding to Media and Outsiders Establish a unified response One spokesperson, one person established to distribute statements. Do not allow your statements to conflict!
Responding to Media and Outsiders Keep messages simple, clear, consistent and tailored to your audience. Your media and outsiders only care about three things: what happened, why did it happen and what are you going to do to make sure it never happens again?
Successful Crisis Management Model Tylenol Murders (Johnson & Johnson)
Conclusion Bottom Line Be honest and open Say it like it is Point out good and bad State your position and support with facts Assure the crisis will not happen in future Honesty and preparedness will help your company weather the crisis and keep your reputation and allow you to move forward, unscathed.