Rosscarrock School We are your neighbourhood School
Kindergarten to grade 6
Learning is our central purpose
Welcome to Rosscarrock School Our motto is “Rosscarrock Cares”. Kindergarten to grade six. Small community school of 150 students. Many students walk to school. Out of area students choosing Rosscarrock School: 40.
Our students include… 21% English as a Second Language (speaking 22 languages from 21 countries) 27% with special needs on Individual Program Plans. 19% aboriginal students
Programs and unique features Daily Physical Education.4 Music Specialist.3 Literacy Support Teacher Mentorship Program – Ernest Manning students work with ours four days a week.
Support for students: Resource teacher coordinates student services. ESL and Literacy Support programs. Educational Assistants works directly with children. Fuel for School Breakfast Program. Lunch Program: hot soup Tues/Thurs.
Support for Students Homework Club Monday to Thursday after school. After school Y Program for grades 5 and 6. The Rosscarrock Community and Family Support Program (Room 9) provides parents, students and the community at large with help and resources.
Friendly office staff
Celebrating student work
As you enter the school…
Lunchroom staff supervise students
Library All students sign out books. Resources for research. Teachers read quality literature.
Library improvements $ new books. Freshly painted walls. Improved shelving. Library assistant works with students.
Computers support learning
The Reading Room Guided reading resources K to 3. Books support classroom reading instruction. Books for home reading.
New Resources that support student learning Social studies texts K – 5. New music instruments. New math resources. Literacy resources for grades 4 – 6.
Active Parent Council Parents and school work together. New playground September Fundraising supports students.
Building Improvements New roof – August Installed sink in lunchroom. New mailboxes, cupboard and coat closet in staffroom. Hallways, library and other public spaces “de-cluttered”.
School Development goals: Student achievement in the area of writing will improve. Increase % of students at the Acceptable Standard in grade three and six to 85%. Increase % achieving Standard of Excellence in grades 3 and Student achievement in the area of writing will improve. Increase % of students at Acceptable Standard in grade three and six to 85%. Increase % achieving Standard of Excellence in grades three and six.
How you help our students. Learning is our central purpose. Model being a learner. Show respect to others. Get along with others in the community. Have fun together.