+ Historical Fiction
+ Agenda Collect RRLs Finish up with Just Juice – Cycle of Poverty, goal-setting Sketch to Stretch Expert Group Snapshot WWII Books
+ WARM UP JOURNAL ANSWER IN YOUR NOTEBOOK: 1. Fiction vs. Nonfiction: what parts of Number the Stars were based on reality? Name important terms/people/places that were real during this era. 2. Compare reading a historical account (informational text) to reading Number the Stars (historical fiction). How do you experience the event differently when reading these two texts? Put RRL in middle of table for pick up and I’ll be around to check your DEJs for Number the Stars.
+ Just Juice Share Out
+ So What? Make a goal to your present and future teacher self: What is one way you can address poverty in your classroom (not just talk about it, but make a change)?
+ Expert Group Snapshot
+ Textbooks or Tradebooks History class- boring. Textbooks don’t help. Lists of facts vs. real people Way above reading level! Too much information Emotions and action of people missing-single perspective
+ Textbooks or Tradebooks? Multiple perspectives-History does not have a single side “critical thinking about the stories of ourselves” p. 150 Hear people’s stories Quickens historical facts and breathes life into people Connection to heritage
+ What makes good historical fiction? Setting realistic (set in past) Fictional characters but “rub shoulders with historically prominent people” p.151 Requires quality writing, character and plot dev’t Based on truth Historical accuracy Bring history to life Revealed through eyes of protagonist Stay away from boring details
+ Types of Historical Fiction (p.155) Events set in past Contemporary novel that becomes historical fiction with passage of time Authors chronicle their own life stories in fictional format Protagonist travels back in time Speculation about alternative historical outcomes
+ Introduction to Text Sets What is a text set? Why are they helpful? How do we use them?
+ Sketch to Stretch Draw a big empty square in your journal
+ For Thursday: I Am Poem based on a character from Number the Stars and post to blog (see blog for website). Bring in NTS for Thursday as well Bring in a text about WWII/Holocaust from Bibs Reminder: Biteslide due 9/22