Day 50- Verbal Phrases and R & J Act II Scene ii
Objectives Homework: Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene iii 1. Identify Verbals and Analyze sentences for their effect. 2. Analyze R&J for figurative language and the impact it has on the over-all meaning. Homework: Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene iii VCR 7c due tomorrow CR week 3 due Friday
Agenda Warm up 7 Min. Verbal Lecture 20 min. Participial Worksheet 20 Min. Figurative Language in Poetry 20 Min. Closure 7 Min.
Warm Up Take out your VCR 7B Give two examples of imagery used in Act II scene ii. Give two examples of figurative language in the scene. What are they meant to show?
A participle is a verb form that is used as an adjective. I’m having an identity crisis. Verb
Examples: The rapidly developing storm kept small boats in port. The pleased student smiled at the teacher.
Present Participles Present participles are formed by adding –ing to the plain form of the verb. Example: The laughing student grinned like a Cheshire cat.
Past Participles Past participles are formed by adding either –ed, -d-, -t, -en, or –n to the plain form of the verb. Others may be formed as irregular verbs. Ellie, my dachshund, had a bewildered look on her face when the water from the nozzle in her bathtub suddenly turned cold.
Gerunds Jog jogging A gerund is a verb form used as a noun. The gerund can be formed by adding –ing to the present tense of the verb: Jog jogging Jogging at night without reflective gear can be dangerous.
**Remember: A participle is a verb form that Gerunds can be used as: A subject: Jogging is a popular form of exercise. A direct object: My sister enjoys jogging. Enjoys what? jogging An object of the preposition: These shoes are made for jogging. participle jogging shoes **Remember: A participle is a verb form that describes a noun.**
Infinitive: An infinitive is a verbal that appears after the word to. The “to” before the verb is called “The sign of the infinitive.” to run to see to hear TO
The word “to” is a preposition when it is followed by a noun or pronoun that is its object. I need a ride to the game. We went to Jeff’s party. prepositions
Verbals and Verbal Phrases A VERBAL is a word that is formed from a verb but is used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb. There are 3 types of verbals The participle The gerund The infinitive
The Participle A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective. 1. Present participles end in –ing Ex) The smiling child waved. Smiling, a form of the verb smile, modifies the noun child. Ex) The horses trotting past were not frightened by the crowd. Trotting, a form of the verb trot, modifies the noun horses.
2. Most past participles end in –d or –ed 2. Most past participles end in –d or –ed. Some past participles are irregularly formed.
Examples Ex.) The police officers searched the abandoned warehouse. Abandoned, a form of the verb abandon, modifies the noun, warehouse. Ex.) This plate, bought at a flea market, is a valuable antique. Ex.) Chosen for her leadership abilities, Dawn was an effective team captain.
*One last Tip: Do not confuse a participle used as an adjective with a participle used as part of a verb phrase. ADJECTIVE: Planning their trip, the class learned how to read a road map. VERB PHRASE: While they were planning their trip, the class learned how to read a road map.
On your own… Take a participial worksheet and complete at your desk. You may use your notes but everyone needs to be silent. Do not help your neighbor with their worksheet. If you have any questions, refer to your notes first. Attempt each question.
R&J with Figurative Language We will read R & J for figurative language. How does it affect the meaning of the work? Identify different uses for figurative language in the work.
Closure 3, 2, 1 Write three things you learned about poetry today. Write two examples of figurative language usage in R&J Write one question you still have about poetry.