NUTRITION Ong Wee Koon Daniel Tee Ming Yi
Balanced diet carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals salts and fibre in the correct proportions
Carbohydrates most important source of energy obtain most of our carbohydrate in the form of starch Starch Glucose Used by tissues Respiration
Protein required for growth and repair Proteins Amino acids Absorbed by the blood
Fats used as a source of energy Insulation Vitamin C: needed for your body to repair itself synthesis of collagen Vitamion D: regulates the calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood Vitamins (C & D)
Mineral salts Calcium: required for healthy teeth, bones and muscles proper functioning of muscles and nerves Helps clot blood Iron: required to make haemoglobin essential component of proteins involved in oxygen transport
Deficiency of nutrients Vitamin C scurvy bleeding gums poor wound healing Anemia impaired bone growth. Vitamin D Rickets Bow-legs and knock-knees
Deficiency of nutrients Calcium Rickets Iron Anaemia Haemoglobin level drops
From survey… Serving of meat eaten No. of students
Serving of veg
No. of students
Serving of tofu and dairy products
Improvements Targeted at the chicken rice stall. Needs to provide students with more variety other than only chicken and other stuff like fried eggs.
Bibliography nC/ nC/ rates rates deficiency.htm deficiency.htm