October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Quartz Plate Simulation Status F. Duru, U. Akgun, A.S. Ayan, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University of Iowa
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Version of the simulation as of October 15, 2005: GEANT WLS Fiber (Bicron 91a) embedded in the Quartz Plate Counts Cerenkov photons reaching the PhotoMultiplierTube
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Quartz Plate WLS fiber Iron absorber PMT
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies An example event of detected photons with Fe absorber in front Quartz Plate is wrapped with reflecting material of 95% efficiency. Currently UVA, UVB regions are included. (>280nm) Cerenkov Photons are shown in GREEN. Photons emitted by WLS process are shown in RED. The WLS-fiber is visible by the wls (red) photons traveling in it.
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Simulation Geometry 10 x 10x 0.2 cm Quartz plate 0.35/0.30 mm radius clad/core wls fiber Counting the photons (wls) reaching the PMT PMT photo-cathode detection.
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Simulation Geometries O-shape wls Y-shape wls S-shape wls
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Simulated WLS (Bicron 91a) Fiber We simulated Bicron 91a WLS fiber. This can, of course, be changed. The wavelength distribution of generated Cerenkov and WLShifted photons shown.
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Surface Scan: O-Shape Scans made with 4 GeV electron beam. At every 5 mm in x and y events for each (x,y) pair.
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Surface Scan: Y-Shape
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Surface Scan: S-Shape
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Photon Arrival(to PMT) Times All wls shapes have a mean < 4 ns photon arrival time. O-shape mean=4.1ns rms =3.4 ns S-shape mean=2.9 ns rms =1.1 ns Y-shape mean=2.8 ns rms =2.3 ns
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Light Collection Non-Uniformity: O-shape Assume (0 cm,0cm)=100% Min = 14% Max = 614% Ave = 127%
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Light Collection Non-Uniformity: S-shape Assume (0 cm, 0cm)=100% Min = 48% Max = 253% Ave = 80%
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Light Collection Non-Uniformity: Y-shape Assume (0 cm,0 cm) : 100% Min = 21% Max = 170% Ave = 43%
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Light Collection Efficiencies S/O Y/O Both Y- and S- have better light collection efficiencies than O-shape.
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Light Collection Efficiency Comparison Light collection efficiency ratios calculated as the ratio of total number detected photons by PMT during surface scans for each fiber geometry: O : S : Y = 1 : 9.9 : 11.4
October,05 HCAL Meeting 10/15/05 Quartz Plate Simulation Studies Conclusions Y-shape has the highest light yield compared to S- and O-geometries (O : S : Y = 1 : 9.9 :11.4) S-shape has the best surface uniformity on ligth collection O-shape: Max/Min = 614/14 = 44, RMS/Mean=0.62 S-shape: Max/Min = 253/48 = 5, RMS/Mean=0.36 Y-shape: Max/Min = 170/21 = 8, RMS/Mean=0.52