T HE Q UEEN C ITY A CADEMY C HARTER S CHOOL Eighth Grade Parent Information Session Transition to High School
W ELCOME ! High School admissions process/deadlines Scholarships Co-op Exams NJ Choice Schools Upward Bound 8 th grade trip Topics of discussion will include:
C LASSROOM V ISITS During the months of October and November all 8 th grade students will have a meeting with counselor to review the following items: High school options High school entrance testing High school application process
H IGH S CHOOL A DMISSIONS High School admissions process begins Fall of 8 th grade year. Each high school has special requirements unique to that school. High schools may require the following documents along with the application: 6 th and 7 th grade transcripts NJ ASK scores from 6 th and 7 th grade 1 st marking period grades for 8 th grade High School Entrance Exam Students/parents can request these documents to be sent directly to high school choices.
U NION C OUNTY V OCATIONAL - T ECHNICAL S CHOOLS The Academy for Allied Health Sciences – a full-time four year high school for students with interest in the health care field. The Academy for Information Technology – a full-time four-year high school that draws students with a keen interest in the ever-evolving field of computer science and information technology. The Academy for Performing Arts - this program offers intensive study in theatre arts and dance and a rigorous academic curriculum.
U NION C OUNTY V OCATIONAL - T ECHNICAL S CHOOLS Magnet High School – one of the region's most competitive and successful specialized programs. Students enrolled here follow a comprehensive course of study in engineering as well as mathematics, science and technology. Union County Vocational-Technical High School – offers students a four-year full-time program that combines high-end academics with access to the career or technical training program of their choice.
A DMISSIONS R EQUIREMENTS The admissions process is as follows: Attendance to an information session Submissions of an application and transcripts to the admissions office Admissions examination Notification of acceptance - on or about April 1st Information sessions (required) December 7, 2013 (final) Must register online ucvts Once you attend information session you will receive online id to complete online school application.
I MPORTANT D ATES Transcripts and test scores must be submitted directly to the admissions office by a school official by December 13th at 3:00 pm. Students must sit for the admissions examination on January 25, Academy for Performing Arts students only: Auditions will take place on February 22nd. Notification of acceptance will occur on or about April 1, 2014
I MPORTANT F ACTS School admits a limited number of students from each district. Admissions exam is highly competitive. Special Education students are allowed accommodations as noted on IEP for Admissions Exam. Please if you have any comments, questions and / or
I NTER - DISTRICT P UBLIC S CHOOL CHOICE P ROGRAM All New Jersey students are eligible to become choice students. As QCA students you are eligible as Tier 1 student. Choice School Districts Bound Brook Kenilworth Springfield
STUDENT APPLICATION PROCESS FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS Obtain the Student Application from the choice district to which you are interested in applying. Obtain Notice of Intent to Participate and submit it Plainfield School District by December 2. Wait for Notice of Conditional Acceptance from Choice School by December 20. Complete the Notice of Intent to Enroll Form and return it to the choice district by January 6, 2014.
C ATHOLIC H IGH S CHOOLS Diocese of Metuchen Archdiocese of Newark Diocese of Paterson
C ATHOLIC H IGH S CHOOL COOP The Cooperative Admissions Examination is required by The Catholic High Schools of the Archdiocese of Newark and the Diocese of Paterson. COOP Exam: Online applications ended on 10/25 Unregistered students are considered Walk-in Students Total fee is $85.00 ($60 registration fee + $25 late registration fee) For more information please visit coopexam.org
S CHOLARSHIPS AND T UITION A SSISTANCE Many schools offer money to promising low- income students. Ask for a list of available scholarships. This type of aid is need-based, and it doesn't have to be repaid. Example: Union Catholic hipexam.php
S CHOLARSHIP F UND FOR I NNER -C ITY C HILDREN (SFIC) For students attending secondary Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Newark in BERGEN, ESSEX, HUDSON and UNION counties. Based on financial need. Application deadline December 31,2013
U PWARD B OUND AND U PWARD B OUND M ATH -S CIENCE Rutgers Upward Bound (RUB) is a pre-college program. Designed to assist participants to successfully graduate from high school and prepare for college. All eligible students must be first- generation, low-income students with a minimum 2.5 GPA.