+ Announcements Thurs 11/21, 6pm – Open Mic Fundraiser for Typhoon Filipino Food and Bakery Donate to National Alliance for Filipino Concerns! Changes to syllabus: T 11/19: Homebound, Chs 2 & 3 Th 11/21: Homebound, Chs 4 & 5 T 11/26: Homebound, Ch 6 Th 11/28: NO CLASS – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! T 12/3: Homebound, Ch 7 Th 12/5: Homebound, Ch 8 and Silent Sacrifices (2001) T 12/10: Homebound, Ch 9
+ Enforced Homelessness Filipino Immigrants & Differential Inclusion
+ The Politics of Home “I argue that Filipino Americans confront U.S. domestic racism and the global racial order by leading lives stretched across borders – shaped as much by memories of and ties to the Philippines as by the social, economic, and political contexts in their new home in the United States” (2) home making – “the processes by which diverse subjects imagine and make themselves at home in various geographic locations” (2) material vs abstract homemaking vs homelessness inclusion vs exclusion nurture vs conflict
+ Questions Chs 2 & 3 What are the macro and micro forces shaping Filipino immigration into San Diego? How have Filipinos experienced “enforced homelessness” in the US? Why does Espiritu claim that Filipino experience in the US is one of “differential inclusion” (47)?
+ MACRO vs micro What is a macro force? What is a micro force? Ex: Why live where you live? Macro forces = larger systemic factors which act on our lives Micro forces = individual desire and agency We are never completely determined by larger social forces, nor are we absolutely free to materialize our desires. Filipinos = 2 nd largest immigrant group in US
+ Macro Forces of Immigration What are the macro forces shaping Filipino immigration into San Diego? #1. US imperialism 1898 Spanish American War Extraction of Filipino resources and underdevelopment of the economy (25) Institution of English- language education. Ex. pensionados (27) Recruitment of labor
+ Macro Forces Continued #2. US Necolonialism 1947 Military Bases Agreement (28) Recruitment of Filipinos to serve in US Navy (29) #3. Marcos Dictatorship Mass corruption & bankruptcy (31) High unemployment (32) Political repression #4. Cold War Liberalism recruitment of professionals, especially nurses (33) family reunification
+ micro forces of immigration “Although Filipino migration needs to be situated within the larger history of U.S. (neo)colonialism and capital investment in Asia, these structural forces do not shape actual patterns of migration. Immigrant men and women are neither passive victims nor homogenous ‘pools of migrant labor’ responding mechanically and uniformly to the same set of structural forces. Instead, they are active participants in the process of migration who vary by gender, generation, class, and culture” (24)
+ forces of homelessness “Restrictive naturalization and immigration laws, discriminatory housing policies, unfair labor practices, violent physical encounters, and racist and anti-immigrant discourses have all colluded to keep Filipinos outside the nation, that is, to keep them homeless” (46)
+ differential inclusion Racist perceptions of Filipinos keep them from apart from the American nation and simultaneously include them “I define differential inclusion as the process whereby a group of people is deemed integral to the nation’s economy, culture, identity, and power – but integral only or precisely because of their designated subordinate standing… to be included in the US nation is simultaneously to be rendered homeless” (47)