“ANTAGONISM”“SYNAGONISM” versus alias Co-operation vs Competition: a universal model Spyros Konidaris European Commission "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"
Modelling Co-operation ( synagonism ) vs Competition ( antagonism ) Research Networks and GEANT Towards the 6th Framework Programme Contents Conclusions
Co-operation (Synagonism) versus competition (Antagonism) x V(x) V min Synagonism Antagonism
Cooperation (Synagonism) versus competition (Antagonism) x V(x) V min xoxo X o* V min * Xo : Widening synagonism Vmin : Deepening synagonism
Communicationsrevolution... Evolution of Synagonism 2000BC1000BC 1800AD2000AD Argonautes Troy Crusades Slavery abolition Piracy abolition Standards NATO UN WTO... Synagonism
GÉANT network Research Networks: The co-operative model Tesbeds use GÉANT infrastructure GÉANT profits from technological innovation International dimension IPv6 GRIDs Scientific/application areas
GÉANT: The co-operation model National funds EU funds Other funds Campus Universities NRENs National ‘GEANT’ EU+ NRENs European Expanded cooperation ‘Ecumenical’
GÉANT: The network and the project Pan-European coverage 9 international circuits operating at 10Gbps while 11 other run at 2,5Gbps Interconnecting 32 NRENs Linking more than 3000 Universities, I.e. virtually all the researchers in Europe in all disciplines Total cost*of 200 M€ over 4 years EU contribution 80 M€ Pan-European coverage 9 international circuits operating at 10Gbps while 11 other run at 2,5Gbps Interconnecting 32 NRENs Linking more than 3000 Universities, I.e. virtually all the researchers in Europe in all disciplines Total cost*of 200 M€ over 4 years EU contribution 80 M€
GÉANT: The connectivity at 10 Gbps <2,5Gbit/s 2,5Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s US Canada
FP6s: Overview and IST related areas Research Infrastructures Research and Innovation Human Resources & Mobility Science and Society Co-ordination of Research Activities Development of Research/Innova tion Policies Structuring the ERA Strengthening the Foundations of ERA Specific SME Activities Specific International Co-operation Activities JRC Activities Genomic and Biotechnology for health Information Society Technologies Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, new production processes for health Aeronautics and Space Food Safety and Health Risks Sustainable development and global change Citizens and Governance in the Knowledge Society Priority Thematic Areas Anticipating S/T Needs Integrating European Research Research for Policy Support Frontier Research, unexpected developments
Integrating European Research Genomics 2255 Meuro IST 3625 Meuro Nanotechnologies, intellig. materials, new processes 1300 Meuro Aeronautics and space 1075 Meuro Food safety /health risks 685 Meuro Sustainable development… 2120 Meuro Citizens in knowledge soc. 725 Meuro Specific activities covering a wider field of research 2060 Meuro FP6s: Research networks related work
Conclusions 1. Co-operation (synagonism) : a monotonous evolutionary process of the human society 2. Advanced INFOCOM tools accelerate this evolution