doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 1 Regulatory Updates and Issues Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: Authors:
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 2 Abstract This presentation provides updates on a number of regulatory matters affecting wireless LAN standards, and issues that IEEE may be asked to respond to
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission Agenda ERM TG11 has completed the TCAM mandated changes to EN The addition of adaptivity requirements to EN The Lufthansa DA2GC project Status on the House bill (The Walden Bill) on spectrum changes Smart Meter interference with Wi-Fi networks in Maine CSMAC (The Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee) documents on the use of unlicensed spectrum The Chief Executive of Ofcom speech on the future of spectrum The new broadcast TV standard (ATSC-3) January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 3
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission EN v1.8.1 ERM TG11 has completed work on the TCAM mandated sharing rules Last minute effort by industrial group to add a “coexistence manager” failed –A person who determines when sharing can be turned off –Required consensus for adoption Now must be approved by member states –Process could complete this year New WI will start in May –Improve sharing mechanisms, a.k.a. adaptivity –Improve test plans January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 4
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission EN v1.7.1 While updating the specification to fix issues, adaptivity has been added based on suggestion from commenter Similar to sharing rules added to EN Approval process simpler than EN –Began as editorial changes Should complete by end of 2012 January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 5
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission Lufthansa DA2GC Direct Air to Ground Communications Network to span all of western Europe FM PT48 tasked with impact study Base stations to blanket the EU Provides a number of service for in-flight operation January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 6
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission Supports Multiple Services January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 7
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission Test results (with 2.4 GHz and 100 mW) January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 8
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission US House Spectrum Bill Part of NBP effort; to free up 300 MHz of spectrum by 2015 Sponsored by Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) Now part of the payroll tax reduction act Pushed back in December to end of February Expected to pass; auctions to fund payroll tax dedustions January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 9
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission US House Spectrum Bill [2] Spectrum auctions to be started within three years of enactment of the bill: –1755 to 1780 MHz –1675 to 1710 MHz (15 MHz only) –3550 to 3650 MHz with exclusion zones –1915 to 1920 MHz paired with 1995 to 2000 MHz –2155 to 2180 MHz (15 MHz only) Reallocation of the 700 MHz Public Safety band and Public Safety guardband for commercial use. Research In Motion CONFIDENTIAL
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission US House Spectrum Bill [3] Incentive auctions (“…encourage licensees to relinquish voluntarily…”) $3B of proceeds from the auction of broadcast TV bands to be put into a TV Broadcaster Relocation Fund Reorganization of the Broadcast TV Spectrum Unlicensed use of the 5 GHz band –Adding MHz for unlicensed U-NII (and MHz) Advanced Public Safety allocations using the 700 MHz Public Safety band and D Block Next Generation 9 – 1 – 1 Advancement Act Research In Motion CONFIDENTIAL U-NII = Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission FCC 5-Year Spectrum Reassignment Plan Research In Motion CONFIDENTIAL Band Key Actions and Timing Megahertz Made Available for Terrestrial Broadband WCS2010—Order20 AWS 2/32010—Order 2011—Auction 60 D Block2010—Order 2011—Auction 10 Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) 2010—NPRM 2010—L-Band and Big LEO Orders 2011—S-Band Order 90 Broadcast TV2010—NPRM 2011—Order 2012/13—Auction 2015—Band transition 120 Total 300
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission Smart Meters and Wi-Fi “Smart Meters blamed for Wi-Fi router traffic jam” CNET News Green Tech – November 21, 2011 – for-wi-fi-router-traffic-jam/ for-wi-fi-router-traffic-jam/ Notice on Office of the Pubic Advocate website – November 17, 2011 – =318771&v=Defaulthttp:// =318771&v=Default Central Maine Power “Q&A” about Smart Meter interference issues: – 13
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission CSMAC Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Council Draft discussions on unlicensed spectrum November 10 th minutes on NTIA website Should all unlicensed access require database control? 14
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission Ofcom Chief on the Future of Spectrum Speech delivered to the ECTA Regulatory Conference, November 29, 2011: “SPECTRUM IN AN AGE OF INNOVATION” Important points –The “command and control” approach to spectrum allocation, granting licenses for government or commercial use in perpetuity, is no longer valid; it does not address public needs or address technology advances –Ofcom taking a new approach in 800 and 2600 MHz bands to avoid the current issue of large commercial interests blocking allocations for “strategic” reasons, with litigation and lobbying –Government alone cannot grant guarantees against interference from adjacent bands; stakeholders can work these issues out –Although international harmonization of spectrum is a long term goal, that process should begin now January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 15
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission New Broadcast TV Standard: ATSC-3 NGBT – “Next Generation Broadcast TV” Not constrained by a requirement to be backward compatible with ATSC or ATSC-2 Initial direction: –Increased transmission efficiencies through coding and modulation schemes including high-order QAM and OFDM/OFDMA, and MIMO and MISO antenna technologies –Reconsidering PHY layer looking at increased efficiency –Integration with other delivery technologies Aimed at “keeping broadcasting viable” January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 16
doc.: 18-12/0003r0 Submission References EN v1.8.0 EN v1.7.1 Direct Air to Ground Data Connectivity for A/C Use of License Exempt Spectrum JOBS_ACT_SUBCOMMITTEE_PRINT spectrum_management_improvements_report_10nov2011 SPECTRUM-POLICY-SPEECH Perspectives on the value of shared spectrum access: executive summary (SCF) ATSC3 January 2012 Rich Kennedy, Research In MotionSlide 17