Contract Verbs J. Lyle Story. Parse and Translate peripatou=sin e0la/lhsen e0fanerw/qh poiou=men poiw+= h0ga/phka poih/sw peplh/rwka.


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Presentation transcript:

Contract Verbs J. Lyle Story

Parse and Translate peripatou=sin e0la/lhsen e0fanerw/qh poiou=men poiw+= h0ga/phka poih/sw peplh/rwka

Parse and Translate e0poi/hsen lalh/sei a0gaph/sw plhrou=te e0la/loun h0ga/phsan tou= a0gapw=ntav oi( proskunou=ntev

Parse and Translate eu0logh/sei e0poiei=te e0qew/roun filei=te toi=v a0kolouqou=sin zhthsw=men oi( qewr/santev a0kolouqei=n

Translate a0kolouqh/santev tw=| 0Ihsou= e0n th=| Galilai/a| e0qew/rhsan au0to/n. lalou=men toi=v a0gapw=si to\n qeo\n kai\ throu=si th\n e0ntolh/n o( 0Ihsou=v ei]pen, #Oti zw= kai\ u(mei=v zh/sete. ai0th/sesqe e0n e0n tw=| o)no/mati mou kai\ de/cesqe. o( agapw=n to\n ui(o\n a0gapa=| kai\ to\n qeo/n.

Translate h1rcato o( a1rxwn parakalei=n au0to\n a0pelqei=n. oi9 mh\ poiou=ntev ta\v e0ntola\v au0tou= ou= filou=sin to\n 0Ihsou=n. eu0logh/swmen to\ o1noma tou= 0Ihsou=, tou= peripath/santov e0n tw=| ko/smw| kai\ tou= staurwqe/ntov kata\ ta\v grafa/v. a0gapa= h(ma=v i#na eu0logw=men to\ qeo\n ei0v to\n ai0w=na.

Examples from the Greek NT 0Ea\n ei1pwmen o3ti koinwni/an e1xomen met 0 au0tou= kai\ e0n tw=| sko/tei peripatw=men, yeudo/meqa kai\ ou0 poiou=men th\n a0lh/qeian. e0a\n de\ e0n tw=| fwti\ peripatw=men w9v au0to\v e0n th=| fwti/, koinwni/an e1xomen met 0 a0llh/lwn kai\ to\ ai[ma 0Ihsou= ui9ou= kaqari/zei h9ma=v a0po\ pa/shv (all) a(marti/av. I Jn. 1:6-7 mh\ a0gapa=te to\n ko/smon mhde\ ta\ e0n tw=| ko/smw|. I Jn. 2:15

Examples from the Greek NT e0ge/neto a1nqrwpov a0pestalme/nov para\ qeou=, o1noma au0tw=| )Iwa/nnhv. ou[tov h]lqen ei0v marturi/an, i3na marturh/sh| peri\ tou= fwto\v, i3na pa/ntev pisteu/swsin di 0 au0tou=. Jn. 1:6-7 ou#twv ga\r h0ga/phsen o( qeo\v to\ ko/smon… Jn. 3:16 kai\ o( thrw=n ta\v e0ntola\v e0n au0tw=| me/nei kai\ au0to\v e0n au0tw=|. kai\ e0n tou/tw| ginw/skomen o#ti me/nei e0n h(mi=n, e0k tou= pneu/matov ou[ (of which) h(mi=n e1dwken (he gave). I Jn. 3:24

Examples from the Greek NT u(mei=v proskunei=te o$ (that which) ou0k oi1date (you know), h(mei=v proskunou=men o$ oi1damen, o#ti swthri/a e0k tw=n 0Ioudai/wn e0sti/n. a0lla\ e1rxetai w#ra, kai\ nu=n e0stin, o3te oi( a0lhqinoi\ proskunhtai\ proskunh/sousin tw=| patri\ e0n pneu/mati kai\ a0lhqei/a|- kai\ ga\r o( path\r toiou/toiv zhtei= tou\v proskunou=ntav au0to\n. pneu=ma o( qeo\v, kai\ tou\v proskunou=ntav au0to\n e0n pneu/mati kai\ a0lhqei/a| dei= proskunei=n. Jn. 4:22-24

Examples from the Greek NT e0n e0kei/nh| th|= h(mer/a| e0n tw=| o)no/mati/ mou ai0th/sesqe kai\ ou0 le/gw u(mi=n o#ti e0gw\ e0rwth/sw to\ pate/ra peri\ u(mw=n. au0to\v ga\r o( path\r filei= u(ma=v, o#ti u(mei=v e0me\ pefilh/kate kai\ pepisteu/kate o#ti e)gw\ para\ qeou= e0ch=lqon. Jn. 14: le/gei au0tw=| pa/lin, deu/teron (a second time) Si/mw=n )Iwa/nnou, a0gapa|=v me; le/gei au0tw=|, Nai/, ku/rie, su\ oi]dav (you know) o#ti filw= se. le/gei au0tw=|, Poi/maine (feed) ta\ pro/bata/ mou. Jn. 21:16