Team Building HEAD START of Greater Dallas Information from Susan M. Heathfield, Your Guide to Human Resources.
Team Building Clear Expectations –Role of the team? –Why team was created? –Support of the team?
Team Building Context –Members value their participation? –Recognize place in overall organization? –Roles, policies, procedures, traditions?
Team Building Commitment –Desire to participate? –Relationship between individual and group commitment? –Anticipation of feedback? –Anticipation of rewards/reinforcement? –Do members feel a need, desire, excitement?
Team Building Competence –Right people? –Knowledge? –Skills? –Capability? –Resources?
Team Building Charter –Understanding of outcome? –Defined mission, vision? –Knowledge of measures? –Support from outside the team?
Team Building Control –Empowerment & freedom? –Understanding of boundaries? –Understanding limitations? –Earning greater roles?
Team Building Collaboration –Understanding team processes? –Effectively working together? –Different leadership roles? –Group rules? –Generating strategies?
Team Building Communications –Clarity of priorities? –Effective feedback methods? –Sources of information? –Honesty? –Respect of diversity of opinion?
Team Building Creative innovation –A real interest in change? –Value creative ideas? –Resources of improve insights? –Honesty? –Respect of diversity of opinion?
Team Building Consequences –Feeling of responsibility & accountability? –Reinforcement? –Is risk tolerated? –Experimentation encouraged? –Who gets the credit?
Team Building Coordination –Is there a central leadership? –Is leadership consistent? –Is internal customer recognized? –Is there a customer focus? –How are results delivered ?
Team Building Culture change –Understanding that this is not the same old procedure? –How are results used? –Understanding the difference between end product and steps? –Can you switch gears?