Slow controls R and D Chris Gould North Carolina State University and TUNL
Outline Overview Technical Assumptions R&D Question R&D Plan R&D Timeline
Overview In partnership with the MIT group, develop an operational generic EPICS slow control system suitable for distribution to one of the five sub system managers (inserts, magnetic fields and shields, 3He systems, cryogenics, neutronics).
Technical Assumptions Subsystem managers provide a preliminary estimate of suite of devices to be controlled and/or monitored For initial deployment a standard set of modules (ADC’s, DAC’s etc.) will be suitable for most applications, and early standardization will greatly facilitate later integration of the different subsystem controls.
R&D Question Equipment is off-the-shelf and technically the project is straightforward. However, the learning curve is steep for novice users and it will be important to know how quickly a working system can be usefully deployed to the sub system managers (a specific recommendation of the Temple review, and CD-1 review committees).
Purchase one VME crate, one single board PPC, and one Linux host computer, Purchase generic DAC, ADC, scaler and stepper motor modules, Purchase and/or obtain one VxWorks license, Develop software controlling the modules purchased, and develop documentation and graphical interfaces for the end user, Hardware cost estimate $30K. VxWorks license ~$20K (educational discount may be available) The R&D Plan
Nov 1: Poll sub system managers for devices and systems to be controlled. Jan 1: Order hardware Sept 1: Complete software development and testing Oct 1: Complete documentation and ship system to selected end user R&D Timeline