2007 © PASC Slide 1 Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) The APEC SRB for Standardization APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia
2007 © PASC Slide 2APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia PASC – Overview Established 1972, Honolulu, USA Composed of 23 National Standards Bodies of the Asia Pacific region Strong link to APEC The Asia Pacific regional link to international standards organizations including: ISO and IEC Focused on strengthening Asia Pacific participation in international standardization to meet regional and global objectives
2007 © PASC Slide 3APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia APEC–SRB Relationship The five Specialist Regional Bodies (SRBs) are recognized by APEC as having specialized expertise in the areas of: –Standardization Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC)PASC –Accreditation Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC)PAC Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)APLAC –Metrology Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF)APLMF Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)APMP The SRBs provide critical specialized support to, and attend meetings of, the APEC Committee for Trade and Investment (CTI) – Subcommittee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) The SCSC is composed of the government trade representatives of the APEC region who meet to ensure that standards and conformance issues do not create technical barriers to trade The SRBs and the SCSC are working closely with the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) to provide critical infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region in the area of standards and conformance to facilitate trade and meet Asia Pacific business needs
2007 © PASC Slide 4APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia PASC (and APEC) Membership PASC PAC APLAC APLMF APMP APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia
APEC Economies Specialist Regional Body (SRB) APLMF Legal Metrology APMP Measurement Standards PASC Standards PAC Accreditation (of Certifiers) APLAC Accreditation (of Laboratories) AustraliaNMIANMIA,ARPANSA, ANSTO SAJAS-ANZNATA Brunei DarussalamMin of Dev.CPRNMin of Dev. CanadaMeas. Cmt.SCC ChileMin of Ecn. PR of ChinaACCSQNIMSACCNAS Hong Kong, ChinaC&EDHKSCL, GLITCHSKARHKAS IndonesiaDOMKIM-LIPIBSNKAN JapanNMIJNMIJ/AIST, NICT, CERI JISCJAB, JASCJAB, IAJAPAN, JCLA, VLAC Republic of KoreaKATSKRISSKATSKAB, KASKOLAS MalaysiaMin of Trd, SIRIMSIRIM- Berhad, MINT DSM SM MexicoDGN, CENAMDGNEMA New ZealandMAPSSMSL, IRSNZIANZ Papua New GuineaNISIT PeruINDECOPI PhilippinesITDI BPSPAOPAB Russian FederationVNIIM GOST R SingaporeSPRING SAC Chinese TaipeiBSMICMS, ITRI, INERTAF ThailandCBWMNIMT, DSS,TISTRTISINACBLA-DSSITISI United StatesNIST, NCWMANSI A2LA, ACLASS, IAS, NVLAP, PJL, L-A-B Viet NamSTAMEQVMISTAMEQ BOA
Economies Specialist Regional Body (SRB) APLMF Legal Metrology APMP Measurement Standards PASC Standards PAC Accreditation (of Certifiers) APLAC Accreditation (of Laboratories) OTHER ECOOMIES INVOLVED IN VARIOUS SRBs BangladeshBSTI CambodiaDOM ColombiaSICICONTEC EgyptNIS FijiDTCIFTSQCO IndiaNPLI, BARCNABCBNABL IranIAS JordanJNMI DPR of KoreaSAQMCIQM LaosDISM MongoliaMASM Myanmar NepalNBSM PakistanNPSLPNAC South AfricaNML/CSIRSABS Sri LankaMUSSDSLABCA SyriaNSCL LegendMember Associate Member Not a Member
2007 © PASC Slide 7APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia Objectives of PASC 1.Strengthen international standardization programmes of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and to improve the ability of Pacific Rim standards organizations to participate in these programmes effectively 2.Improve the quality and capacity of standardization in economies of the region 3.Support free trade within the region and with economies in other regions 4.Support improvement of economic efficiency and development of the region through the promotion of standardization 5.Interact with other bodies that represent elements of the standardization technical infrastructure, industry, consumers and government
2007 © PASC Slide 8APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia Asia Pacific Approach to Standardization Cooperation Model vs. Union Model (the ‘C’ in APEC) –Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down Focus is regional support toward a single (and open) global market vs. support of a single regional internal market Neither PASC nor APEC develop Asia Pacific Regional Standards … and implement them top down Rather, each APEC member is dedicated to clearly identifying - in full transparency - all of the mandatory, voluntary, and conformity requirements to access their market This deliberate approach not only facilitates trade within (and to and from) the region through improved market access, but it is a trade and innovative friendly approach that allows each economy to converge toward common standards (1:1:1) at a pace appropriate for their industries, consumers, governments and other stakeholders
2007 © PASC Slide 9 For more information: Juichi Nagano – Acting PASC Secretary Gary Kushnier – PASC Standing Committee Chair APEC SCSC-SRB Workshop / 23 June, 2007 – Cairns, Australia