Political Developments The Rise of Christianity Education and Culture Social History
Political Developments 3rd c. Roman Empire encountering difficulties Reign of Diocletian Reign of Constantine Constantinople
Political Developments 3rd c. Start of barbarian invasions of Roman Empire 410 Visigoths sack Rome 455 Vandals sack Rome Reign of Romulus Augustulus as last western Roman emperor
MerovingiansCarolingians Charlemagne (r ) Capetians Holy Roman Empire Feudal System Political Developments
Rise of Christianity 303 Last great persecution of Christians under Diocletian Reign of Constantine Reign of Theodosius I Church Fathers: St Ambrose (c ), St Jerome (c ), St Augustine of Hippo ( ) Pontificate of Gregory I (the Great)
Pope Archbishops Patriarchs of Jerusalem, Constantinople, Antioch and Alexandria Bishops Priests Deacons Subdeacons, Lectors, Acolytes, Doorkeepers, Exorcists, etc. Secular clergy (saeculum) Rise of Christianity
Holy Rule of St Benedict of Nursia (c ) Regular clergy (regula) Involvement of church in individual’s life Rise of Christianity
Other issues: Relations of church and state Corrupt nature of papacy in 10th c., with attempts by German emperors to sort this out Simony Clerical marriage
Rise of Christianity Other issues: Monastic reform movement in 10th c. led by Cluny Millennial expectations
Education and Culture Mostly under church auspices Latin and non-Latin works Various genres of writing Various forms of art, incl. manuscript illuminations, architectural decoration
Charlemagne (r ) Louis the Pious (r ) Alcuin of York (c ) The Venerable Bede (672/73-735) Ecclesiastical History of the English People Education and Culture
manorial/seignorial system 9th-11th c. peasants becoming serfs in exchange for protection Social History
10th-11th c. Growth of towns End 11th c. Towns obtaining privileges from lords in exchange for rents Women: position in mediaeval society? Social History