VOTE 30: ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS MTEF for the years 2014/ /16 – 2016/17 1 Ms Nosipho Ngcaba Director General Department of Environmental Affairs 15 October 2013
Presentation Outline MTEF 2014/15 – 2016/17 -Indicative Allocations per programme -Indicative Allocations per economical classification -Notes to Indicative Allocations -National Treasury: Proposed Cuts/Savings -Additional Funding Requests over the MTEF 2
Indicative Allocations per Programme 3 Programmes2014/152015/162016/17% Growth 1.Administration R’ R’ R’ % 2.Legal, Authorisations and Compliance Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIP - Authorisation processes) * 6.3% (100.0%) 3.Oceans and Coasts % 4.Climate Change and Air Quality % 5.Biodiversity and Conservation % 6.Environmental Programmes % 7.Chemicals and Waste Management % Total % National Treasury initiated baseline reduction for the Integrated Permitting Systems (non-recurrent project) Treasury was approached to clarify the impact of the cut
Indicative Allocations per economical classification 4 Programmes2014/152015/162016/17% Growth 1. Current Payments R’ R’ R’ % Compensation of employees Goods and Services* % 3.0%* 2. Transfer Payments % Departmental Agencies Foreign Governments and International Organisation Public Corporations and Private Enterprises Non-Profit Institutions Expanded Public Works Projects* % 3. Payments for Capital Assets % Machinery and Equipment %* Total % * Included in Goods & Services is small contractors for clearing AIS +-R200 Million per annum and New Building Unitary payments +-R120 Million per annum * Included in Capital Assets is Eco Factories budget of +-R43Million and IT infrastructure of R4million per annum.
* Goods and Services Analysis per item 5 Programmes2014/152015/162016/17 Fixed and Earmarked Allocation: Office Accommodation Unitary Payment new Departmental Building International Membership Fees Communication Systems and Data lines: SITA Auditors: External & Internal Strategic Implementation Programme (SIPS) Research and development: Oceans and Coasts Laboratories: Occupational Health & Safety Wildlife Information Management Unit (new) SA Algoa: Manning and Operating SA Agulhas II: Manning and Operating Antarctica & Islands: Fuel, Groceries, Satellite, et Antarctica & Islands: Helicopter Services EPWP: Small Projects Alien Vegetation clearing (contractors) R’ R’ R’ Total Fixed and Earmarked Allocation Budget available for other operational expenses, inspections, personnel development, stationary, travel & subsistence, advertising, bursaries, other environmental agreements/stakeholders Total Goods & Services
Proposed Cuts by National Treasury over the MTEF 6 Item2013/14 R’ /15 R’ /16 R’ /17 R’ Compensation of Employees 0(17 440)(28 024)(19 915) 2. Travel and Subsistence 0(7 700)(11 400)(15 100) 3. Corporate Services 0(17 788)(28 736)(30 175) 4. Green Fund* ( ) ( )0 Total( ) ( )(65 190) Previous years baseline cuts of 1%:2%:3% were already effected by NT. These additional proposed cuts & impacts were discussed with NT 31 July *Balance remaining for green fund budget is +-R200 Million per annum
Notes to Indicative Allocations & Spending pressures over MTEF Indicative Allocations -Compensation of Employees growth based at 6.6% cost of living adjusted per year -Use of Goods and Services growth at 3% (because of 1%, 2% & 3% annual cuts) -Budget for integrated permitting system reduced on outer years. Impact discussed with National Treasury -Allocations to Departmental Agencies, and Expanded Public Works Projects (overall increase of 5.3%) Identified Spending Pressures over MTEF Inflationary increases: -Vessel operating cost -Helicopter services -Antarctica and Islands Research - fuel and supplies -Funding changes to the establishment increased capacity, coordination, strategic infrastructure support, monitoring, enforcement & waste management functions - Funding increases in procurement of goods & services 7
Additional Funding Requested 8 ProgrammeAdditional Funding Proposal2014/152015/162016/17 1.AdministrationGreen Solar Electricity Stations Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Environmental Sector Implementation of Integrated Permitting System R’ R’ R’ Legal, Authorisations and Compliance Deployment of Environmental Management Inspectors at South African ports of entry and exit Oceans and Coasts Baseline shortfall to cover SA Agulhas II and Antarctic Support Replacement of Gough Base Building New Research Laboratories: Marine: Cape Town
Additional Funding Requested.... cont 9 ProgrammeAdditional Funding Proposal2014/152015/162016/17 4.Climate Change and Air Quality Management South African Weather Services : Implementation of the ICT Master Systems - Skills Development Plan & implementation for weather and climate impact science -Improved Climate Data Management Systems - Sector Specific weather and climate applications R’ R’ R’ Biodiversity and Conservation Rhino Poaching CITES COP 17: Hosting National Biodiversity Research Strategy implementation Management Effectiveness – Protected areas infrastructure, community facilitation, Baseline adjustment for COE for Isimangaliso, updating permitting system and strengthening scientific services for non detriment findings, pilot projects for biodiversity economy interventions Building Biodiversity Economy and Sustainable Use - National Compound Library,
Additional Funding Requested.... cont 10 ProgrammeAdditional Funding Proposal2014/152015/162016/17 6.Environmental Programmes Environmental Protection and Infrastructure Projects - Famine Weed Programme (world’s worst invasive species) - Bio-security, - Youth Jobs in Waste Project - People and Parks Programmes - Development of a Platform for Investments in Ecosystem Services in Southern Africa R’ R’ R’ Chemicals & Waste Management Environmental Impact Assessments Development of a standard for Waste Derived Fuel (WDF) and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) TOTAL
Public Entities MTEF Allocation 2013/142014/152015/162016/17 Baselin e R’000 Financial Assistance iSimangaliso SANParks SANBI SAWS Infrastructure Grant iSimangaliso SANParks SANBI SAWS TOTAL Percentage increases to 2014/15: 2015/16: 2016/ %: 10.99%: 5.3% -Overall increase in allocations for operations & infrastructure