Why Geography Matters DXhwwQsk
Five Themes of Geography Organize Your World! All images are cited in the “notes” section of the corresponding slide.
Many Different Areas Are Affected by the 5 Themes of Geography Location- Where is it? Place- What is it like? Region- How are places similar or different? Movement- How do people, goods and ideas move from one location to another? Human-Environment Interaction- How do people relate to the physical world?
Location : “Where Is It?” Absolute location : uses latitude and longitude to find a point’s exact location on earth Relative location : compares two places on earth
Place: “What is it like there?”
Place Every place on earth has its own physical and human features. Physical Feature: can be described in terms of its land, water, weather, soil, and plant and animal life. Human Features: can be described in terms of the number and kinds of people who live there or the activities that take place there.
Choose any place you have lived or visited. Write 6 clues about the place – you will read your clues and your classmates will try to guess your place. Your first 3 clues must describe the physical features of the place. The last 3 clues must describe the human features. WHERE
Place Every place on earth has its own physical and human features. Physical Feature: can be described in terms of its land, water, weather, soil, and plant and animal life. Human Features: can be described in terms of the number and kinds of people who live there or the activities that take place there.
HEI : “Human Environment Interaction” How Do Humans and the Earth Affect Each Other?” Every day people modify, adapt to, and depend on the Earth. There are four relationships: Human to Earth positive Human to Earth negative Earth to human positive Earth to human negative
Which HEI Relationship? Human to Earth Positive Human to Earth Negative Earth to Human Positive Earth to Human Negative
Movement How living things, products, and ideas change locations, and the effects of these changes
Region: “How Are Places Grouped?” A formal region is defined by physical or political boundaries A functional region is defined by a service. A perceptual region is defined by positive or negative bias
Formal Region A region defined by physical or political boundaries.
Functional Region A region that includes different places linked together by working or providing a service as a unit.
Perceptional Region A region based on people’s opinions and preconceived ideas of a place. opinions =
Analyzing photos using the 5 Themes of Geography
Now it’s your turn – Working with a partner – analyze the photos below by completing the analysis worksheet
5 Themes Quiz 1. The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 2. The I-35 Corridor is a major area of trade, travel, and commuting. 3. If you go to Antarctica, you’d better bring a coat! 4. San Antonio’s Riverwalk, the Alamo, and the Hemisphere tower are well known landmarks. 5. The Japanese tsunami caused a nuclear meltdown that made thousands evacuate the area. 6. When I think of the “West” I usually think of everything west of the Rockies. 7. In many of the countries colonized by Spain, they speak Spanish and practice Catholicism. 8. The Gulf states share the same coastline. 9. I live in Converse which is next to Randolph Air force Base.
Quiz Answers 1. Absolute location 2. Movement 3. HEI or Place 4. Relative Location or Place 5. HEI 6. Regions or Place 7. Movement 8. Regions 9. Relative Location