Elephent By Andrew Callan
Elephants structural adaptions One structural adaption is there tusks. This is important because it can fight its predators and dig in the ground for food The second important structural adaptation is its ears. This is important because it needs to fan itself in its envierment The third structural adaptation is its trunk. This is important to the elephant because it can spray itself and it can squirt water into its mouth The forth structural adaptation is there thick skin. This is important because it keeps it cool in the hot climate
Behavioral Adaptations One behavioral adaptation of the elephant is that they stay in there herds This is important because they need help to protected them and there young from predators Another Behavioral adaptation is them putting mud on themselves This is important because they will need mud as sunscreen or it can be used for bug spray to get bug from biting them
Habitat The African elephant lives in the savanna's, and grasslands It lives in Africa The grasslands have cold temperatures. Savanna’s are grasslands with wildly scattered trees
Diet The Elephants is a mammal and typically eats grass Elephants drink up to 40 gallons of water daily Elephants eat between 330-375 pounds of vegetation daily 16-18 hours daily they spend daily Tree bark is there favorite food
Food chain Sun Grassland Elephant Lion
Resources The book Elephants by Jen Green Then I used Animal Planet