JOBTALKS Resume Preparation Drafting Your Resume Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D Contents used in this presentation are adapted from Career Planning Strategies and used with the permission of the author.
Basics Initial draft is first step in self-assessment What do I want to do? What are my greatest assets? Where are my obvious limitations? Why is this important to my resume? How can I enhance this area? Where did I change directions?
Right Ingredients Resume purpose: obtaining interview facilitating interviewer
One-Page Summary —Multiple pieces of information —Interviewer will know a lot about your background
You plug in the facts Templates are available What to include How to describe it Resume Templates/Samples
Resume Content Each section enhances ability to a job —Six to nine sections —Tied together by objectives —Sections are complimentary I Identification II Objectives III Education IV Extracurricular V Experience VI Activities VII Personal VIII References
INSTITUTION Name Description Location Dates Attended
You're pretty proud of that degree aren't you?'
EDUCATION type of skills acquired (breadth) length and extent of training (depth) list all institutions since high school
GRADES Indicate CompetenceIndicate Competence Show Overall TrendsShow Overall Trends Discuss CoursesDiscuss Courses
Ace! Extracurricular Activities indicate personal qualities describe personality imply a certain level of maturity
—broad interest/scope —horizons/multi-dimensioned —social adjustment —poise/confidence/awareness ACTIVITIES SHOWN BY ACTION
president vice-president treasurer secretary Board Of Directors LEADERSHIP ROLES
Athletics Fraternities And Sororities Academic Affiliations Political Parties Housing Units Student Government Types of Activities
Honor Performing Groups Radio/Television Newspaper
Work Experience Design to Show types of skills you acquired l what you learned by doing
Work Experience l list every full-time job l list in reverse chronological order l explain any time gaps
Coop and Internship Significant experiences
Part-Time Summer Volunteer —shows values and personal qualities —need not list every job
leadership responsibility social awareness WORK EXPERIENCE
TITLE three words maximum descriptive capitalize or underline
DUTIES detail one to four sentences key words show personal qualities
Responsibility Level people supervised sales dollars budget level decision latitude control span report to Incorporate these into description
Types Of References Types of References —WORK —PERSONAL —ACADEMIC
Reference Credibility —Leaders —Believable —High standing —Know you very well
References —Permission —Two to four —Also on file —Know you well
Reference References furnished upon request proscons
Education Activities Work Experience References (other elements reinforce these) YOU Four Basic Elements
Content of Four Basic Elements 3 Allows interviewer to draw inference 3 Enhances validity 3 Facilitate the flow of verbal information YOU Education Activities Work Experience References
JOBTALKS Resume Preparation: Drafting Your Resume Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D.
If you would like to learn more, Career Planning Strategies textbook will supply additional information on this topic.