LEGEND By: Sam, Jackson
Characters (Main) June, June is girl who scored a perfect 1500 on her trial. She is training to be in the military at a college in Los Angeles. Day, Day is a boy who failed his trial (or did he) and is now living on the streets. He is also a nationally known criminal. Thomas, Thomas is an officer who works in the military and takes care of June after Metias (June’s brothers) death. Tess, Tess is pretty much Day’s accomplice. Tess was a very weak girl when Day found her and pretty much took her under his wing.
Characters (Minor) John, John is Day’s beloved brother who he grew up with. Eden, Eden is another one of Day’s brothers. Eden has the plague which is a deadly disease that is spreading throughout the nation. Day’s Mom, Day’s Mom is obviously Day’s Mom, she is taking care of John and Eden on her own. Matias, Matias is June’s sister who gets stabbed in the beginning of the book.
Theme The theme of the book is survival, trust and somewhat love. It is survival because Day is trying to survive as an outlaw in Los Angeles. It is also trust because in the book when Day finds out that the girl is June and June finds out that Day is Day, he has to trust June not to say anything. The theme is also love because Day loves his family and June.
Plot The year is somewhere around Day is the main character. Day is a fourteen year old boy who is wanted for his crimes. He is living on the streets of Los Angeles with his sidekick Tess. June is another main character. She is a girl working in the army who got a perfect trial score. Day is accused of killing June’s brother Matias. June vows that she will find Day and hunt him down.
Rising Action The rising action is where Day is accused of killing Matias. June is trying to find Day and is doing everything she can. Day and Tess are still trying to get some medicine to help Day’s brother Eden because he has the plague. Day is thing a lot about his family and so is June.
Climax June is so egger to find Day that she goes undercover. She dresses up as a person on the streets would and lives like a poor person. June accidentally gets into a skiz fight and gets injured badly because of a smoke bomb. Day and Tess take June in and take care of her not knowing who she is. Day and June get really into it and start kissing.
Falling Action June ends up finding out that who she is with is Day and captures him while killing his mother. Day gets taken in for questioning. While he is there June finds a bunch of blog entries made by her brother that basically revel that Thomas, June’s guardian, killed Matias. June then breaks Day out of prison in an amazing plan and they both get away.