Nell’s mom was surprised that it rained.
Jed’s dad gives him the mail.
Would Ben’s train be late?
I enjoy playing with the girls’ dolls.
Do not worry about the cat’s tail.
Nate’s clay art was a surprise.
Would you wait for Pat’s call?
Jane’s main worry was her dog.
Nan’s card was a surprise to Ray.
The shells in our friends’ pails surprised us.
One day we will worry about the bees’ hive.
Gail gives us hay from the farmer’s barn.
They enjoy the birds’ feathers they find on the trail.
The workers would like to plant grain in the farmer’s field.
The students’ teacher told them to wait until noon for a surprise.
Mom pays for the family’s groceries while June gives the bags to Dan.
Don’t be surprised if the gate’s chain breaks.
He won’t worry about stacking all the teams’ trays today.