Our Experience of Carer Champions 2009 to 2014 Carole Whittle Health and Wellbeing Manager
Before Carer Champions Over many years we tried: Nothing Registered Nothing Gained Draft Local Enhanced Service for Carers Individual visits to surgeries by our staff Make a Difference breaks by GP referral.
Making the Change Understanding the need Knowing how to access support Seeing the results Increased identification and support
Common misconceptions The Carer champion: Is the only person in the surgery that can talk to carers about their caring role Knows everything about carers and the support available to them.
Our understanding of the role: Carer Champion should be from within team and have support at a senior level in the practice. Choice of the champion is crucial - need to be committed to improve support for carers Carer champion needs training Champion needs support from outside own team
What difference have we seen? Huge increase in numbers of carers identified in primary care and referred for support. Carers being offered health checks and flu vaccinations often for the first time. More carers reporting benefits to being registered Increase in GP practices approaching us to work collaboratively on new and existing projects.
What difference have we seen? In Sickness and in Health June % registered as a carer 47% no benefit Of those reporting a benefit Majority Flu vaccine Just under 25% flexible appointments Making Carers Count September % registered as a carer 15.4% no benefit Of those reporting a benefit 52% Flu Vaccine 23% Health check 19% Quick appointments
What else do Carers tell us? 75% of carers are not aware that anyone takes a special interest in carers at their surgery. 44% of carers said they spoke to a pharmacist at least once a month –70 % of prescriptions are picked up by someone other than the person they are for. 12% of carers speak regularly or occasionally to a district nurse
What still needs to change? Referral rates for support are still very variable –Top practice in the West has referred 32 carers in 2014 (as of 6/11) –13 practices have referred none Champions need more support in their role –Training –Peer support –In some cases from senior practice staff Carers experience of primary care still variable –Some offered flexible appointments –Practices flag in different ways and at different times
Praise for Carer Champions Give up their own time for the work Are creative and innovative in finding ways to identify and support carers Are persistent and persuasive in the face of resistance Are making a real difference to carers experience of primary care. THANK YOU