iGEM 2010 European Spring Workshop Evry, Paris, France 12 th & 13 th June 2010
What is expected of the teams by iGEM To use parts, ideas, experience from previous years. To contribute our own parts, ideas and experiences. Choose a local or global challenge. Quality of parts (not quantity) is important. Engineering, not discovery, is key (can re-engineer previous project to make work or improve on) Register parts in the iGEM Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Provides the opportunity to publish projects. iGEM publicity site, Inst. Of Eng & Tech, Inst. Of Biol.Eng. IP is not claimed by MIT – if IP issues exist submit patent(s) before submitting project. Describe, characterise and make measurements on part(s) and document √√√√ (examples – BBa_ K274210, BBa_ – in Registry of Standard Parts) Jamboree 6 th – 8 th November at MIT (anticipate 10 attendees per team) Register all Labs involved in the competition – in users and groups page on website.
Key Ideas – pointers Build systems of standard parts. Use standard techniques for assembly. Couple functional and physics designs. Measure and characterise for modeling of system to be designed. Interchangeable parts. Up date documentation on iGEM / WIKI site as you go along – do not leave to the end. Whole project does not need to work. Make sure the first part works. Leave strong impression on Judges and other teams (strong visual data / images)
Randy RettbergRandy Rettberg and implemented by Tom Knight and Reshma Shetty 3A Assembly E= EcoR1X = Xba1S = Spe1 P = Pst1
DNA distribution DNA distribution should have been received. Sent in May – should be received. In wells – do not rip off Al foil – poke holes. Check quality of all parts - all parts come from students from previous years and not a company. Safety at Institutional level. Security – advised by UN Chem. & Biol. Weapons Treay Org. and FBI. Additional information of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts.
What to measure Static / steady state performance. Dynamic (time dependant measurements) – i.e. how response changes over time. Compatibility – what else may part unintentionally interact with? Reliability – how long before part breaks down? Does part produce same output for the same input? Demand – how much (e.g. energy / substrates) does device / part need? - how often by the device / part is it needed? - can part / device be used in other systems? Comparison to other devices – include a recognised reference standard in your measurements so your part can be compared to other similar parts. Report - relative measurements – within your own data & to the reference standard. Photo courtesy of iGEM – David Appelyard
Shipping parts to iGEM Use plasmid pSB1C3 p = plasmid. SB = Synthetic biology. 1 = High copy number C= Chloramphencol 3 = Biobrick cloning site with up stream and down stream terminators Shipping plasmid backbone – ready to cut by EcoR1 & Pst1 Adhere to assembly standard 10 (see registry of standard parts) Use primer locations VF2, VR
Shipping parts to iGEM cont. Add part to registry – in sequence analysis in the registry do not add prefix or suffix to parts. do not use EcoR1or Pst1 in body of part. Verify parts. Documents – see BBa_E0040, BBa_J58105 as examples. put in documents as-you-go. Send parts to registry – do not send anything at BSL2,3,4 (Biol. Safety Level). Use carrier with tracking No.
Judging Put parts into the parts registry – therefore team gets credit for the parts. Copy data from team WIKI pages and transfer to registry parts - Important in Judging. (Fun is part of the Judging criteria) WIKI freeze about 1½ weeks before Jamboree. Documents on WIKI get judged – medal decisions are based on info. On WIKI site ahead of Jamboree. Presentation at MIT not critical to judging decisions. Presentations made in tracks / themes. Presentation slot 30 mins. = 20 mins presentation + 5 mins. Q’s + 5 mins. change over time. Poster set up / dry run for talks – Friday. Talks – Saturday + Sunday. Sunday evening – Social event. Awards + finalists talks to all – Monday.
Post Jamboree 2011 / Regional Jamborees in Oct (Europe / Asia / N. America). Top 30% of teams at regional level go to global championship. These teams should be sponsored regionally. These changes due to increased participation and costs in holding a single Jamboree at MIT. Africa may be considered as a region in future years – possibly with Aust. S. America. Meagan from iGEM to make tour of S. America – open to visit S.A.
Wits, CSIR, Wits iGEM and Corporate Sponsors How is this going?