M Y P OETRY P ROJECT By : Destiny Myers
M Y S ISTER My sister holds me tight My sister kisses me goodnight My sister knows when I’m mad My sister helps me when I’m sad My sister is so smart My sister has my heart My sister loves me lots My sister ties the knots My sister is here to stay My sister I have until this very day My sister I wish you well My sister yes I can tell My sister asked if I lied My sister knows if I’ve cried My sister has moved away My sister is in my heart to and will always stay Carniz Fatema
S CHOOL JUST SCHOOL School we need it school, friends school you have teachers school is great high school is even better college, PARITES school you mite find your true love new experiences everyday school, dances school just school school who dose not love it school is fun school, preps school, classes school, math, science, computer classes school is great love it school just school we need school kerri king
J UNE …J UNE …J UNE … This is for June, and all the summers it brings For the chiming of bells.....from a steeple ring Olde songs of wedlock over top hat, and lace 'Fore June passes torch, to July's scarlet face Trees are full jackets, in multi-shades of green The last pink magnolia leaf.....still can be seen Theres a breeze in the air, that carries a scent Of her sweet honeysuckle......full efflorescence Still nights cast a chill, but June has its motives An inviting warm flame...bright amorous votive Moonlite romance, 'neath a nautic June breeze Makes love in June sparkle, by shore or by sea Frank James Ryan, Jr.
R AIN rain rain, rain, rain heal my heart that is broken apart rain, rain, rain up above from the skies rain, rain, rain pour here and clean my soul rain, rain, rain there will be rain here, there will be rain there rain, rain, rain wash away my pain rain, rain, rain wash away my debts to pay rain, rain, rain so tired i felt wash away my guilt rain, rain i will do anything for you to cover my tears of shame shameka jones
T HE O CEAN ! XX The ocean is a mystery! The ocean is a surprise! The ocean is beautiful! The ocean is a huge monster! The ocean is never ending! The ocean is silent! The ocean is noisy! The ocean is a time traveller! The ocean is all about a distance! The ocean is love! The ocean is enjoyable! The ocean is a godsend! The Ocean is a winner! ! ! ! xx Premila Patel
D AFFODILS BY MARK S. I fell in love – Taken by the innocence of Child-face daffodils – Their perky April fanfares – Clarion calls from yellow-ochre brass bands Presaging, rejoicing, calling us: ‘Here we are! Here we are! ’
A STAR …… Above the clouds there is a star A star that looks down on me A star that I makes my wishes shine A star that brightens my path A star that enlightens my world A star that makes me feel loved A star that makes me dreams come true A star that breaks my loneliness A star that makes me smile A star that I look up to and not down on A star that protects me from my enemies A star that brings my bliss and hope A star that sticks to its promises A star that supports me take me as I am A star that never fades away... A star that will live with me forever and ever..... Joy O' Pateng
W INTER IS D IS BY : C HARLES H ICE Winter is discontent Winter is unrequited love Winter is in my heart forever Winter is goes into spring Winter is Winter is my heart Winter is the dart You threw at me, Erline
W ORK C ITED P AGE ! Google research nter.com/poems/