Inkscape - Open Source Software
About Inkscape - Free open-source software - Vector application GUI editor for personal computers - Cross-platform editor for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X - Used for creating images of all types - Examples (Maps, Flags, Icons, Diagrams) - Can produce images near photographic quality
Inkscape Screenshot
Inkscape History - Derived from a program named Gill, which was created by Ralph Levien - Developed in 2003 as source fork from the Sudipodi project - Developers included Ted Gould, Bryce Harrington, and Nathan Hurst - Changed the focus of Inkscape by changing the SVG compliance, interface, and opening development opportunities to other participants
Inkscape Features Features include: Features include: - Object creations with drawing, shape tools, text tools, and clones - Object manipulation with transformations, layers, grid and guide snapping, grouping objects etc… - Styling Objects with color selector, gradients, path markers, pattern fills, etc…. - Operations on path with boolean operations, clipping paths, and bitmap tracing - Text Support