Grade 6 & 8 Memorial School
Do-Now : Come in quietly Get a book in the front of the room Write your name and HR in front cover Write your HW in your agenda Answer the question in blue using R.A.C.E use page 5 in your workbook as a source. What do the pictures below all share? Use R.A.C.E and page 5 in your new book. Include organisms, habitat, and examples in your answer.
The pictures on the previous slide all show organisms. Organisms are living things that survive from different features in the environment for example food, shelter, and water. Different organisms require different factors to survive. Birds live in a forest to build nests in trees, certain plants like mushrooms live in cool places like swamps, while prairie dogs live on flat terrains with lots of grass to hide from predators. These environments that specific organisms need to grow are called habitats. As you can see organisms all require different factors.
We are surrounded by living and nonliving things. The study of life is biology
Biotic is anything that is alive or has once been alive while on Earth To be alive an organism has to fit 7 distinct characteristics.
CharacteristicsExample Feeding- take substances from the environment to grow and stay healthy Movement- internal or external Respiration- exchange of gases in the environment to breathe and sustain life Excretion- or removal of waste from the body Growth- feeding provides the body with the nutrients to become more complex over time Sensitivity- reaction to the changes around us Reproduction- producing offspring
What happens when an organism hibernates or becomes inactive or dormant?
Abiotic - are nonliving parts of the environment. How do you think abiotic things play a part in the ecosystem?
Predict what would happen to Woodland Park if there was not water,sunlight, or oxygen
Game Homework We are going to practice with a dry eraser board game Any inappropriate behavior we will stop and you will go right into HW I am going to show a flash card and play music you are to write if the picture is abiotic and biotic and how you know Chapter One: Population and Communities Complete vocabulary on pages 4-9 of Ecology and Environment workbook Organism Biotic Abiotic Community Population Ecosystem Habitat Ecology Species