P.I.V and D.U.S. of Suction Feeding in Largemouth Bass Background Information and Voice of the Engineer Allan Andranikian
Technology Review (P.I.V) Requires clear field of view. In this case, can only measure external flows.
Technology Review (D.U.S) Can make non-intrusive internal flow measurements
Why Suction Feeding? Most common method of feeding in fish, and if broken down species by species, in the world. ‘ Energy efficient. Interesting naturally occurring fluid dynamics phenomenon. Difficult to describe numerically.
V.O.C. Overview
Functional Decomposition
Metrics and Specifications
House of Quality
Concept Generation
Feasibility Analysis The use of all P.I.V and D.U.S equipment is well documented, with easy to access (or soon to be) tutorials. Budget is soon to be determined. Integration of motion sensors and target tracking devices my require an EE. Software for previously mentioned equipment and data stitching may require a CE or SE. Custom Glass-work from Corning Glass Blowers is relatively cheap. Overall: Project is feasible, although may present some difficulty for a group comprised of only ME’s.
Questions for you. Are there any functions that should have been addressed that may not have been? Can you think of any solutions that I may have overlooked for the functions mentioned in my concept generation matrix?
Questions for me?