Brainstorm a list of words with the root words onym/nympend
Week 7 Greek Root onym/nym= name acronym antonym homonym pseudonym Latin Root pend= to hang appendix impend pendulum depend Academic Words argue persuade
acronym An abbreviation formed from initial letters. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is known by the acronym “FBI.”
antonym Words that have opposite meanings. The antonym for love is hate.
homonym Two words that have the same sound but different meanings. To and too are homonyms and so are pear and pair.
pseudonym A fictitious name especially used by an author. Ted Geisel was best known by the pseudonym Dr. Seuss.
appendix A section of extra information at the end of a book or document. The book has several appendixes where you could find the glossary of terms.
impend It is about to occur. The impending trial would be broadcasted on television.
pendulum A weight suspended from a pivot so it can swing freely. The pendulum on the clock was broken and did not move until the batteries were replaced.
depend To trust or count on. Be the kind of person you can depend on.
argue To disagree. It is possible to be productive when you argue.
persuade To convince. The students will try to persuade others through their writing.