How to address artisanal fisheries in the WTO? Valentina Dwisasanti SEAfish for Justice – Indonesia, KIARA Fish for People Coalition.


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Presentation transcript:

How to address artisanal fisheries in the WTO? Valentina Dwisasanti SEAfish for Justice – Indonesia, KIARA Fish for People Coalition

The Jakarta Declaration defines artisanal fishers as those … –…directly engage in the preparatory, actual fishing or fish culture and post-harvest phases of fishery production...; –Women …who have limited alternative economic opportunities and whose role and contribution in the fisheries sector are oftentimes not recognized and supported; –All marginalized fish workers in capture fisheries…;

Artisanal fishers includes … Small-scale farmers… in extensive forms of aquaculture …fish workers in both intensive and extensive aquaculture; …fishing gear are gill nets, cast nets, hook and line, pots, traps and other traditional and passive fishing gears…; Fishers who own small boats …below 18 horse power;

…catch is mainly for family and daily consumption, with a small surplus for exchange in local markets; …no control in pricing, primarily due to their fragmented and unorganized status as a sector; and …with limited access to capital. Artisanal fishers …

Basis for exemption of artisanal fisheries Developing countries where artisanal fishers live produces 52% of total fish production (FAO) Small-scale fisheries employ 90% of fishworkers (UNEP) In top ASEAN fishing nations, (population = 543M) an avg. of (54 M) live below $1/day (WB 2005) Estimated population of artisanal in SEA 12M (ASEAN-SEAFDEC, 2001), that’s almost half of the pop. below $1/day

But not exempted from Fisheries Management! Should be within sustainable limits Is not an excuse to use illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing e.g. cyanide fishing, fine mesh nets, trawls, etc.

Subsidies in ASEAN countries Have socio-economic development functions Most are considered non-actionable under WTO subsidies rules

What needs to be done? Work for common definition of artisanal fisheries (WTO secretariat recently compiles definitions of artisanal / small-scale fisheries) Set-up criteria for exemption of artisanal fisheries from subsidies disciplines in the context of WSSD and MDG Once exemption is secured, negotiations can proceed to identify actionable and non- actionable subsidies Question? Can these be completed in 2006 which is the target deadline for the Doha Development round?

To stimulate discussions Are there artisanal fishers in developed countries (e.g. EU, US, Japan, Korea, etc.)? If so, are they included in the exemptions?