Midday: A Librarian’s Guide to NCBI DeDe Leshy, MLIS, MS June 19, 2013
NCBI homepage 2
gquery 3
Sample resources for health related questions 4 1.Genetics Home Reference Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) - replaces Gene Tests Gene Reviews - available at GTR 4.Gene database Factsheet: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/factsheets/Factsheet_Gene.pdfftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/factsheets/Factsheet_Gene.pdf 5.Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
Sample resources for health related questions (cont.’d) 5 PubMed – gene sensor feature; search using official gene symbol
Other useful links 6 1.HUGO Human Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) Influenza Virus Resource 3.Glossary of Genomics Terms freely available at: NCBI YouTube Channel
Which groups are using NCBI genomic databases? 7 1.Researchers 2.Clinicians 3.Students 4.Research Nurses
My take home observations 8 Critically evaluate/observe database/tool record for sections, lateral links Explore limits tab when available Use advanced search builder fields when appropriate Look at FAQs, help files for individual databases, NCBI Help Manual
My take home observations, continued 9 The reference interview is very important, ask questions! Do your homework Network with librarians and researchers who are using these products
10 Publicize NCBI databases/tools through intranet web pages, blog Develop presentations for targeted groups: Students, nurses, labs Library staff orientation for resources in genetics Next steps…..
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