Accessibility Initiative 3rd Quarter Results
Objectives Increase accessibility especially for families through restructuring membership rate structure Increase accessibility for programs through an affordable rate structure especially for families. Develop new programs and class offerings for youth, adults and families
Process Hired Foursquare Research Inc. Develop a Foursquare Taskforce Foursquare facilitated brainstorming sessions for survey data Foursquare completed over 800 surveys Foursquare presented results and recommendations Taskforce develop final recommendations from Foursquare’s presentation
Task Force Recommendations Implement targeted rate reductions and increase value of membership Implement training program for customer service & membership sales Develop engagement plan for new and members who come infrequently Review the Silver Sneakers Program Allocate marketing resources for 12 – 18 month membership and program promotion plan
Rate Structure Changes Categories 2014 Corporate/ Regular Rates 2015 Rates Youth$21 No Change Young Adult$36No Change Adult $ 52/$53$45 2 Adult $ 67/$70$59 Family $ 67/$70 $67 SP Family $ 57 $49 Sr. Citizen 65+n/a $39 Sr. Citizen$46 Eliminate Sr. Couple 65+n/a$55 Sr. Couple$61 Eliminate
Net Growth Potential by Pricing Strategy 6
Actual Membership Growth Categories December 1 st Full Pay Units per Category September 2015 Full Pay Units per Category % Growth Youth % Young Adult % Adult % 2 Adult N/A349100% Family % SP Family % Sr. Citizen % Sr. Couple % Total Units %.
New Programs and Services Archary Hot Yoga Boxing for Fitness for Adults and Youth Choose to Lose Program for Adults Born to Move for Youth (launch in the summer) RPM Eliminated the program fee for Bootcamp Extended hours for Child Watch for young families Reduced program rates up to 50%
Marketing Successes Campaigns Branch Results (DT/DU)% Increase January /53651% February /10890% March /7673% Public Relations Eight TV News Stories Five Newspaper Articles Battle of the Paddle Boxing Team Easter Eggstravaganza Youth and Government Donation Field Trip to the Y for Autistic Children
Marketing Successes Campaigns Branch Results (DT/DU)% Increase April /173104% May /160-51% June /11153% Public Relations Eight TV News Stories Seven Newspaper Articles RockSteady Boxing Healthy Kids Day Hop the Gap National Day of Prayer Camp Carson World’s Largest Swim Lesson DIAMONDS 20 th Anniversary Team 13 (multiple)
Marketing Successes Campaigns Branch Results (DT/DU)% Increase July /73155% August /47194% September /11814% Public Relations Four TV News Stories Six Newspaper Articles Westbrook Evolution Garden Project RockSteady Anniversary Team 13 (multiple) Doggie Dip
Making an Impact Serving additional 125 families Retention has increased from 69% to 74% Tour closings have increased from 67% to 68% Average monthly swipes have increase from 20,8367 to 24,238 swipes Easter Eggstravaganza 310 families 480 children Youth Sports has served additional 160 children % of members in the class has grown from 45% to 68%
Seer Membership Experience Survey
Downtown Branch Pyramid for 2014 vs
Bright Spots for the Association Member Involvement Financial Assistance Promotes A Healthy Lifestyle Y – Important Resource Makes A Impact In The Community Y Members develop friendships
2014 Weaknesses for the Association Member Feel Welcome Assistance With Meeting Goals Enough Staff To Assist Staff Competence Facility especially with Security and Safety Convenience of Class Schedules Value for the Money Quality of classes and programs
We talk to different people about the Y and tell them how great the place is and the staff looks out for the patrons. Friendliness of the staff and most people who attend & participate at downtown “Y”. Even on those days when absolutely nothing in my tank, just getting my foot in the door downtown usually changes my whole attitude…a 2 nd wind, so to speak. Applies to later that day after workout as well. The people are friendly and I’ve developed lots of close relationships with other members. I work out more and try new classes because others have suggested classes. The atmosphere of the Y is overall a friendly, positive and encouraging atmosphere. I love the Y’s mission statement and how staff pray and minister to those around them. The staff genuinely care for the members and always take time to let them know. Member Comments
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