Mongolia Today
The Mongolian Empire
The Mongolian War Machine The 3 T’s The Mongolians were successful because of their superior military tactics training & technology
Technology -The Mongolian Mounted Archer The advantage the Mongolians had over other armies was that they used archers mounted on horseback as their primary battle formation.
Technology - The Mongolian Recurve Bow The bow used by the Mongolians was a recurve bow. It was effective at 350 yards.
Technology - The Stone Ring Mongolian archers wore a stone ring on their right thumb, which they used to release the bowstring (rather than their fingers), which increased the velocity and speed of release of the arrow.
Technology - Stirrups The bow could be fired while riding the horse because the Mongolians invented stirrups for their feet.
Technology - Mongolian Arrows Mongolians had different types of arrows - including short range, long range, armor piercers with tempered tips, whistling signal arrows, incendiary, and grenade-tipped.
Technology - Mongolian Quiver The quiver held about 30 arrows and each soldier carried 2 quivers. This is a quiver.
Technology - The Mongolian Horse The horse was the most prized possession the Mongolian soldier owned. They stood 13-14 hands high; some as tall as 16 hands. Each soldier had 3-20 horses. Only needed water once a day. Females were preferred because both their milk and blood could be drunk for food.
Technology - The Mongolian Horse Herds of up to 10,000 head accompanied the army and were divided by color. Weak horses were killed for food, but horses which had been used in battle were not. When a battle horse went lame, it was put out to pasture.
The Mongolian War Machine 1. What advantage did Mongolians armies have over other armies? 2. Describe the bow used by Mongolian soldiers. 3. Name four different types of arrows used by Mongolian soldiers. 4. What Mongolian invention gave riders more stability on the horse? 5. Why did Mongolian soldiers prefer mares(female horses)?
Training - Leadership The military used a merit system. Promotions were based on merit/ performance in battle. Began riding a horse and shooting bow at a very young age. Hunting for food mimicked battle tactics and served as practice.
Military Terms Infantry – foot soldiers, for most armies this was the largest fighting force.
Military Terms Cavalry – the part of the army that fights from horseback; this was the largest force in the Mongolian Army
Military Terms – Light Cavalry Less heavily armored, fast and agile carried a small sword and 2-3 javelins.
Military Terms – Heavy Cavalry heavily armored soldiers, moved slower, less agile but carried deadly weapons (one and done) cavalry carried a scimitar, a battle ax or mace, and a 12 foot lance with a horsehair pennant and a hook below the blade
Mongolian Heavy Cavalry Mongolian Scimitar Mongolian Mace Mongolian Battle Axe
All Mongolian Soldiers Carried: wicker shield covered with thick leather (usually ox hide) 2 bows a lasso a dagger which was strapped to the inside of his left forearm. Why do you think the Mongolians strapped the dagger to the inside of their forearm?
Military Organization Mongolian armies were organized by units of ten. Arban – 10 soldiers Jegun– 100 soldiers (10 arbans) Mingghan – 1,000 soldiers (10 jegun) – led by a noyon Tumen – 10,000 soldiers (10 mingghan) - led by a noyon Everything was done as a unit. If one soldier ran from battle the entire arban would be killed.
The strategy or plan used by an army to win a battle or war. War Tactics The strategy or plan used by an army to win a battle or war. The book Art of War pictured here is widely considered one of the greatest books on military tactics ever written.
Tactics . Organization and planning were key. Gaining information about the enemy led to the development of the plan. Spy networks were set up to gather information.
Tactics . Encircling the enemy Feigned Retreat Ambush Hit and Run Wave
Tactics . Encircling the enemy Feigned Retreat Ambush Hit and Run Wave
Tactics . Encircling the enemy Feigned Retreat Ambush Hit and Run Wave
Tactics . Encircling the enemy Feigned Retreat Ambush Hit and Run Wave
Mongolian War Tactics
Warfare in the Middle Ages Archers Cavalry Infantry Cavalry Infantry Cavalry Cavalry Archers
Mongolians were masters of the feigned retreat. Mongolian Warfare Mongolians were masters of the feigned retreat. The Enemy Army Archers Cavalry Infantry Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry The Mongolian Army
Mangudai - The Feigned Retreat The Enemy Army Archers Infantry Cavalry Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry The Mongolian Army
The Battle of Mohi Heath This is another example of the deception the Mongols used to gain an advantage in battle.